On April 20, at 11 a.m., a round table was held in the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation on the topic “Medical pole: development of Russian-Chinese relations in the field of medicine”. The event was organized by the Commissioner to the President of the Russian Federation for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs and the Russian-Chinese Committee for Friendship, Peace and Development.
Speakers at the round table were: Vice President of the All-Russian Public Organization “League of Nation’s Health” Kononov NV, Vice President of “Shanghai Biotecan Pharmaceuticals Co. Ltd. Wu Shouxin, General Manager of Yuanchuang Medical Technology ( Jiangsu) Co., Ltd. Yuan Zhenshi, founder of the Russian-Chinese spa resort of Adygea, Lago Naki, Russian-Chinese health technology expert Mamontova TV, as well as representatives of the special company economic zones of Russia “Alabuga “, “Dubna” and “Orenburg”.
The participants raised important issues related to the establishment of medical facilities in Russia for foreign companies, discussed the territories that can produce medical devices and available subsidies for this, and also discussed the experience of China, which can be applied in Russia.
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