In Krasnodar, early Friday morning, an explosion occurred near Morskaya Street. This is reported by the regional operational headquarters. According to preliminary data, no one was injured. The building’s roof and windows were damaged. The cause of the explosion was not specified to headquarters.
Krasnodar Mayor Yevgeny Naumov wrote on his VKontakte page that an office building and a residential building were damaged.
At the same time, the Baza telegram channel writes that the city was attacked by drones.
Two drones were seen over Krasnodar, at least one of which was shot down by an air defense system. The target of the strike could be a cellphone tower on Morskaya Street, suggested the Shot telegram channel, which published images with the wreckage of the crashed drone. Residents said they heard at least two explosions.
From Krasnodar to the closest point to the front in Ukraine – about 330 kilometers.
The Belgorod and Rostov regions were also attacked at night.
In the Belgorod region, the districts of Grayvoron, Grayvoronsky, Shebekinsky, Belgorodsky and Volokonovsky came under fire. According to the governor, no one was injured.
In the Rostov region, near the city of Morozovsk, air defense systems shot down a Ukrainian missile. This was stated by the governor of the region Vasily Golubev. Earlier it was reported that an unknown object was shot down near the military airport.
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