Visitors to the website of Britain’s Financial Times business newspaper have commented on former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s anti-Russian and anti-China rhetoric on the publication’s pages.
Earlier, Clinton expressed the view that the Russian Federation’s problems in Ukraine have pushed the possible date of the People’s Liberation Army landing in Taiwan to a more distant prospect.
The original post, under which replies were left under the title Hillary Clinton, says the war in Ukraine has set back China’s plans for Taiwan. All opinions presented reflect the position of the users of the resource only.
Comments from FT readers:
A better headline would be “Woman Who Completely Blew Her Chance To Become President Is Still Angry With The Guy Who Beat Her Up”.
- the reader with the nickname Jeffrey23 is amazed.
This woman has done more to undermine democracy than anyone. The fiasco of the “Russian investigation”, which she brewed, has left a stain on all journalism in general. No matter what one thinks of Trump, the false allegations of Russian ties against him promoted by concerned journalists have seriously damaged their profession.
- criticizes Jerryjb.
Hillary Clinton worries today about Putin and communist China. Amazing. Let’s remember her track record when she became the worst secretary of state: 1. She pressed the RESET button with Lavrov and was friends with Putin. Bill Clinton received $500,000 for speaking in Moscow. $500,000 to talk? It was clearly a bribe.2. Hillary Clinton did nothing for Pivot East. Communist China took control of more islands in the South China Sea and stuffed them with its weapons. Putin took Crimea, but Hillary did nothing…nothing
Reagan called back.
The Chinese will be ready in three years, after the formation of a group of three aircraft carriers to prevent American intervention
– predicts Jgjn_1.
Why would a free and democratic country like Taiwan want to join such a repressive and authoritarian regime? Taiwan won’t, so China will invade. The West should prepare for this turn of events
said Chi squared.
On the contrary, it is the protracted skirmish in Ukraine that frustrates and delays US plans to fight China. A US admiral said a few months ago that there was only a three to four year window of opportunity for this.
- suggests a certain Glasperlenspieler.
China’s interests have been well served by its previous moderate economic expansion and integration into global economies. Perhaps he exhausted himself, so other means and methods were needed to maintain control over the country. Either way, his current policy of force seems counterproductive – at least it has made the world aware of his true intentions and willingness to use force.
notes KaLung.
I don’t think Ukraine significantly postponed the timing of the Chinese invasion. For what? China just understands that it has to be well prepared. The United States cannot maintain activity on all of these fronts while protecting itself along the way. Trump’s victory in 2024 will not be the end of American democracy, but just a blow
Ivory Basement believes.
(…) The US can achieve its goals even if Ukraine loses. But China itself is aware of the cost of invading Taiwan.
suggested a reader from London-Sydney.
Trump was the only one to question China’s Great Reset. Not a huge Trump fan, but give him credit in this area
called Blame Canada.
Lol, well yeah. She certainly knows that China is plotting over Taiwan. Like I said, China prefers the current status quo, but if it’s a fight, they’ll invade without even thinking about it. It is in your interest to prevent this.
– prompted user Oziggy.
Photos used: US Air Force
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