Gandhinagar. The total number of registered Electric Vehicles (EVs) in Gujarat has reached 1,18,086. Of these, 1,06,341 are two wheeler electric vehicles, 4093 three wheelers and 5646 four wheelers and the remaining 2006 are electric vehicles falling in other categories.
According to government sources, after the implementation of the e-vehicle policy in Gujarat, there has been a huge jump of 1475 percent in the registration of EVs. Today the number of registered electric vehicles in the state has reached 1,18,086 as against only 7,240 earlier. 8,858 electric vehicles have been registered per month during the last five months. The maximum number of 31,561 electric vehicles have been registered in Surat in Gujarat.
After that 20,937 vehicles have been registered in Ahmedabad, 7,648 in Vadodara, 6,678 in Rajkot and 3,259 in Jamnagar. The state government is also paying special attention to the infrastructure for electric vehicles in Gujarat. EV charging stations are being set up fast in different cities of Gujarat. At present there are a total of 152 charging stations in the state. A target has been set to install 250 new public charging stations in the coming time.
The government has identified Zones/Hotspots in collaboration with BISEGG-N (Bhaskaracharya National Institute for Space Applications and Geo-informatics) to provide uniform charging infrastructure in every region of the state and to ease the charging station site selection process. Accordingly, 91 hotspots have been selected in metropolitan areas, 48 in municipal areas, 96 hotspots on state highways and national highways and 15 hotspots at tourist places. The state government is making all efforts to make people aware about the use of electric vehicles. Has been
Under this policy implemented in the year 2021, a maximum subsidy of Rs 20,000 is given on two-wheeler electric vehicles, a maximum of Rs 50,000 on three-wheelers and a maximum of Rs 1,50,000 on four-wheeler electric vehicles. The state government has so far paid Rs 133.83 crore as subsidy. This policy will be operational for a period of four years, under which a total of two lakh electric vehicles will be given the benefit of subsidy. Electric vehicle policy is an important part of Gujarat’s strategy of green growth. Clean and green development will lead to industrial and economic transformation in India.
Electric Vehicles (EVs) are playing an important role in promoting green development by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution. Electric vehicles help combat climate change and reduce pollution. Moreover, EV is a new area and also a new market. Due to this, new employment opportunities are also being created in this sector. Gujarat is making a significant contribution to building a sustainable future by reducing its dependence on fossil fuels and diversifying transportation energy sources.
The popularity of electric vehicles in the country is increasing rapidly in the present era. There is a rapid increase in the purchase of electric vehicles due to the prevention of damage to the environment due to carbon emissions from vehicles, and increasing awareness among people about global warming and attractive economic incentives from the government regarding electric vehicles. Is coming The state government had issued an e-vehicle policy in the year 2021 with the aim of making Gujarat a manufacturing hub for electric vehicles and related equipment. Today, under the leadership of Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel, Gujarat is continuously moving forward in the direction of E-Vehicle (EV).
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