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NewsHow to train a kitten to a tray: step by step instructions

How to train a kitten to a tray: step by step instructions

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The instinctive behavior of cats arises from the need to hide the smell of their excrement in their natural habitat, with the main purpose of scaring away prey that may be nearby and which may flee upon sensing the presence of a predator. However, at home this becomes unnecessary and it is important that the owner teaches the cat to use the toilet tray.

The first thing you need to know is that the proper use of the litter box has more to do with the maturing process of cats than with raising them. During the first weeks of life, kittens are in full physical and cognitive development and are not yet able to consciously control their urination and defecation. During this period, the mother cat is responsible for stimulating with her tongue the ways of raising her young, as well as teaching them the most fundamental rules of social behavior and communication of cats. For this reason and many others, it is important to wait until kittens are weaned before separating them from their mother and siblings.


image source: 123rf.com

What to look for before teaching a cat to use a litter box

Although cats have an innate ability to learn how to use the litter box, certain things can cause them to refuse or not accept the litter box as the most appropriate place to empty their bowels. So, if you don’t want your kitten to urinate and/or defecate in inappropriate places like your bed or chair, the first step is to properly prepare its litter box. In this regard, you should pay attention to the following basic rules:

Choice of litter box. Gone are the days when there were only classic plastic litter boxes. Today, you can choose a design that’s stronger, easier to maintain, and more comfortable for your cat. There are many models on the market, but be sure to choose one that is wide enough for your cat to turn over and deep enough that the litter box won’t tip over.

Type of filling. This moment is also very important, it depends on how much time you need to devote to toilet pan hygiene. For example, lumpy sand provides more than traditional absorbent mineral sand and also makes it easier to clean up feces. Also, you must bear in mind that not all cats adapt to certain types of litter, we are talking about those whose granules are larger and made of synthetic gel.

Cat toilet.

image source: 123rf.com

Toilet tray location. It is important to remember that urination and defecation is a time of great vulnerability for cats, as they are not able to react as quickly and skillfully as their bodies focus on meeting these physiological needs. So when deciding where to place the sandbox, be sure to choose a quiet location where there won’t be a lot of noise or distractions, and where your cat can have easy access and privacy. Once you have chosen the most suitable location for the sandbox and you see that your cat has accepted it, this location must be determined.

Keep the tray away from food. Another key element. The litter box should be separate from your kitten’s feeding and resting areas. Cats are very clean by nature and follow meticulous hygiene and grooming rituals, so they will easily refuse to use a litter box if it is near their food and/or bed.

On the other hand, keep in mind that if a cat already lives in the house, you should have a litter box for each plus an extra one.

How to teach a kitten to use a litter box

Make sure the kitten can access the tray. If your kitten is still very small, it may be difficult for her to climb into the litter box. This is important to consider when choosing a litter box, but you can also help your kitten by placing her in the litter box at times when she is likely to need to urinate and defecate. , that is to say after waking up and after feedings.

Let the kitten know that this is the right place to have a bowel movement. Once you’ve set up the litter box, show your kitten that it’s a safe place, such as by slowly stirring the clean litter with your hands. If you see a kitten about to urinate or defecate somewhere else, you can pick her up carefully and take her to the litter box immediately to help her understand that this is the right place to have a bowel movement. But, if the kitten has already started to urinate or defecate, don’t stop it!

We teach the kitten to the tray.

image source: 123rf.com

At first, don’t be so strict with cleaning the sandbox. While hygiene is key to keeping a cat in the litter box, when it comes to a kitten that is still getting used to the sandbox, recognizing its own scent will make it easier to master the litter box.

It reinforces good behavior. In this first step, it is also important to reward the kitten each time it uses the sandbox correctly. Positive reinforcement will help your cat learn this behavior as part of their daily routine and keep them motivated to continue learning other desirable behaviors.

Check the location of the sandbox. If you feel like your kitten always comes to the same place when she needs to defecate, and if that place meets the basic requirements for her litter box location, a very simple solution may be to move her litter box and determine its final location. . Similarly, you can place multiple sandboxes if you define multiple areas.

Never punish him. Whether it’s a kitten or an adult cat, scolding or punishing it for satisfying a physiological need or instinctive behavior is counterproductive and inadvisable. Any abuse or humiliation will only make your cat feel stressed and afraid of you, which will undermine their self-confidence and increase the likelihood that they will develop a really difficult behavior problem like aggression.

See also: How long do cats live.

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