Delhi, India: In a thought-provoking and contemplative address, National Security Adviser Ajit Doval presented a compelling argument, claiming that India would not have experienced the painful partition had the indomitable Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose been alive. The occasion was the inaugural Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose Memorial lecture, organized by the prestigious Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (Assocham).
During his lecture, Doval emphasized the audacity displayed by Netaji at various stages of his life, even daring to challenge the revered Mahatma Gandhi. “At that time, Gandhi was at the zenith of his political career. However, he eventually resigned from the Congress and embarked on a fresh struggle,” Doval highlighted. “I am not passing judgment on the rightness or wrongness of their actions, but there are few parallels in both Indian and world history to individuals who possess the audacity to swim against the current, against all odds,” Doval added, paying tribute to Netaji’s extraordinary courage, reports Hindustan Times .
Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose, a solitary figure in his pursuit, lacked substantial support from any country apart from Japan. Undeterred by the challenges, he embraced an ideology of fighting the British rather than seeking freedom through supplication. “The idea that resonated within him was that he would combat the British, refusing to beg for freedom. He firmly believed it was his inherent right to claim,” Doval proclaimed, underscoring Netaji’s unwavering determination.
Had Netaji Subhas Bose been present during that critical period, the division of India could have been averted, according to Doval. “Mohammad Ali Jinnah himself proclaimed that he would accept only one leader, and that leader was Subhas Bose,” the National Security Adviser revealed, shedding light on the significant impact Bose had on the political landscape.
The eternal question of whether efforts or results hold greater significance was pondered by Doval in his speech. He acknowledged the immense efforts exerted by Netaji, a sentiment shared by the admirer of Bose, Mahatma Gandhi. However, the harsh reality is that individuals are often judged by the outcomes they produce. “So, was the entirety of Subhas Bose’s efforts in vain?” Doval questioned, urging the audience to reflect upon the historical legacy of the influential leader.
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Doval acknowledged the apprehension that lingers even after Netaji’s demise, with the enduring fear of nationalist ideologies that he championed, which have captivated the hearts and minds of countless Indians. The National Security Adviser expressed his satisfaction with Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s commitment to resurrecting the memory and ideals of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose, ensuring that his contributions to the nation are never forgotten.
As the nation continues to reflect on its historical path, the words of Ajit Doval serve as a catalyst for contemplation, inviting a deeper understanding of the opportunities missed and the potential impact of exceptional leaders like Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose on the trajectory of a nation’s destiny.