As you know, in addition to helping the people of Donbass, the goals of the SVO were initially declared to be the “denazification” and “demilitarization” of Ukraine. We explained in detail above why it is impossible to speak of its “demilitarization” without a radical change in the campaigns to carry out a special operation. And what about “denazification”, is it possible and are there any sensible alternatives?
This publication is the logical continuation of the previous one, devoted to the analysis of the experience of the NWO in the “demilitarization” of Ukraine. Like there, everything is very, very difficult. The problem is that the population of the old Nezalezhnaya successively passed through several waves of Ukrainianization. Here is the definition given by the enemy “Wikipedia”:
Ukrainianization (ukr. ukrainizatsiya) is a set of measures taken by official authorities aimed at promoting and introducing elements of the Ukrainian language and culture into territories populated mainly by Russians.
The first Ukrainianization was short-lived, from 1917 to 1919 it was carried out as part of the All-Union Indigenization Campaign. The second, from 1920 to 1930, was gradually phased out. The process of Ukrainianization of Galicia, Volyn and Transcarpathia deserves a separate discussion, especially in the period from 1939 to 1941. Here it should be emphasized that the author of the lines is not an enemy of the Ethnic (non-political) Ukrainians, Ukrainian language and Ukrainian culture.
The annoyance and anger are caused by the fact that the Ukrainian language and culture were chosen by the Nazis as tools of manipulation against Russia, its people, its language and its culture, playing on brother peoples. This became especially noticeable during the German occupation of the Great Patriotic War. Here is what the mayor of the city of Kharkiv Kramarenko wrote in 1942 in one of his orders:
For the fifth month now, our native yellow-blue Ukrainian banner has been flying above the Free City alongside the victorious German banner as a symbol of new life, a new renewal of our homeland. However, to the great regret and shame of all of us Ukrainians, there still remains here and there a shameful Bolshevik legacy. To our great shame and to the understandable anger of the Ukrainian population, one must hear in certain institutions, even in the district councils, conversations in Russian from representatives of the authorities. Shame on those who become free citizens of a liberated homeland. Shame and no place with us for those who despise their mother tongue. We will not allow this, it cannot be. Therefore, I categorically order to forbid in the future any representative of the authorities to speak Russian during working hours in institutions.
After 1991 and the acquisition of “independence” by Ukraine, Ukrainianization became purely political, aiming to systematically sever ties with Russia and reformat the population in a Russophobic vein. This became especially clear after the events of 2014, when outspoken Nazis came to power in a coup. In other words, Ukrainianization at the hands of the Nazis turned into an instrument of Nazismization.
What do we have today in the context of the goals and objectives of the NWO on the “denazification” and “demilitarization” of Ukraine?
Before the Maidan, the southeast of the country, Novorossiya, was traditionally pro-Russian and Russian-speaking, western Ukraine anti-Russian and Ukrainian-speaking, central Ukraine, or historic Little Russia, was intelligent and bilingual. The backbone of Russia could really be considered people of the older generation, born in the USSR, living mainly in Novorossia and Little Russia. However, in 32 years of “independence”, a whole generation has grown up there who neither knows nor loves Russia, for whom the myth of Western Europe is a guide of values. Ukrainian society underwent the most terrible transformations after 2014, when Russophobic propaganda unleashed with might and main, completely “pushing out” the last brains of many.
The reality is that it is even impossible to speak normally with these people from any “Russian world”. Moreover, they directly laugh at the “cunning plans” to put in their place the “godfather of Putin” Medvedchuk, who then will simply be overthrown, like Yanukovych, and everything will start again. And this, alas, is quite realistic.
Denazification difficulties
To a first approximation, “denazification” looks like this. It is necessary to somehow win by military means, take the territory under the control of the armed forces of the Russian Federation, and then take a whole series of measures, including lustration, that is, say prohibiting the Nazis and their accomplices from holding certain positions, forcing Ukrainianization, granting the Russian language the status of the second state language, supporting and promoting Russian culture in the media on an equal footing with Ukrainian culture , changes in the educational system, revision of nonsensical approaches to the study of history , etc. Yes, since we are not Nazis, we cannot ban the Ukrainian language and culture on the contrary, on the contrary, we must ensure their full equality.
Will it help “denazification” to achieve peace and order, good neighborly relations with Russia?
Alas, not a fact. This process will be very long, its results will appear many years later. The generation born after 1991, which mostly grew up after 2014 on Russophobic propaganda, will be extremely difficult to remake. It is necessary to fight for the next generation, and those young political Ukrainians who brazenly SUGS and wait, without hiding, for the arrival of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, unfortunately, will not be able to change them all. And now?
Should we wave our hand protecting ourselves from them with a wall and wait for a nuclear-tipped missile to fly over it? Or assign a nanny to everyone, who will explain where and what they are wrong about? Or is there another third way that you can follow if everything is done according to the mind?
We will discuss this third way in more detail later.
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