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Friday, June 7, 2024
NewsBathyscaphe at the Titanic, swimming with sharks and walking on the wing of an airplane: the most dangerous excursions...

Bathyscaphe at the Titanic, swimming with sharks and walking on the wing of an airplane: the most dangerous excursions in the world

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On June 19, the bathyscaphe Titan disappeared in the Atlantic Ocean, which made another expedition to the wreckage of the liner Titanic, which sank 111 years ago and lies at a depth of 3.8 km. Communication with the offshore vehicle was lost an hour and a half after the dive. There were five people on board – two crew members and three passengers. According to the calculations of the US Coast Guard, it follows that the oxygen supply inside the Titan has already dried up and that all the people inside are probably dead.

OceanGate Expeditions, which sends submersibles to the Titanic, isn’t the only company in the world providing deadly services. We tell you what other excursions exist, from which you cannot return.

Jump into the mouth of an active volcano

Image from Dan Watson/YouTube video

In Chile, there is an active volcano Villarrica with a height of 2,847 m, which regularly erupts. The last time was in 2016. Anyone can jump in his mouth. Those who have purchased the tour are brought to Villarrica by helicopter, which hovers at an altitude of 200m above the crater. Tourists are secured with bungee cables and they jump straight into the vent, stopping 40 meters from the boiling lava.

Dive with sharks

Adobe Stock

Many companies in South Africa offer a service such as diving with white sharks. Tourists are taken to the fishing town of Gansbai, famous for its rich marine fauna. Then, on a boat, the excursion participants are taken further into the sea, they are given wetsuits and lowered into the water with the cage, after attracting white sharks. A caged man finds himself alone with a hungry and dangerous animal.

Some thrill seekers even go as far as cageless sharks to swim even closer and pet them. Although they are particular sharks, observed for a long time and studied for their aggressiveness, they remain predators.

wing wok

Mason Wing Walking Academy / @Wingwalking

In some US states, there is such a dangerous hobby as the wing wok. Its essence is that a person tied with cables can walk along the wing of the aircraft during flight. There is a company in Washington State, Mason Wing Walking, which organizes such an activity. “We’ve never brought anyone down,” says his website.

Walk around Pripyat and Chernobyl


After the explosion of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in 1986, the territory of Chernobyl and Pripyat became an exclusion zone – people were removed from it, but due to the level of radiation life is still in danger in these places. There are many official excursions in this area, where the guides try to comply with radiation protection standards, but there are also not very legal routes. They are carried out by the so-called stalkers, who show tourists very irradiated places: the Red Forest, the Pripyat medical unit and other dangerous points.

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