Bhopal. Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that the land of Madhya Pradesh has played a big role in making the emerging BJP the biggest political party in the world. That’s why it is a pleasure from the heart to be a part of ‘Mera Booth Sabse Strong’ program on the land of such an energetic Madhya Pradesh. Perhaps in the history of any political party, such a big program would never have happened in an organized manner at the grass root level. Sometime back, I also got the opportunity to flag off five Vande Bharat trains connecting 6 states of the country together.
Prime Minister Modi has come from Bhopal on Tuesday to start the campaign for Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Chhattisgarh elections and 2024 Lok Sabha elections. He digitally addressed 10 lakh workers of 543 Lok Sabha and 64,100 booths in Madhya Pradesh under the campaign ‘Mera Booth, Sabse Strong’ at the Motilal Nehru Stadium here. Three thousand workers from the assembly constituencies of all the states were present here.
The Prime Minister said that I congratulate the people of Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand, Bihar, Karnataka, Goa and Maharashtra for the connectivity of this modern Vande Bharat train. Special congratulations to M.P. Two Vande Bharat trains have been found here together. Till now the passengers were enjoying the journey of Vande Bharat between Bhopal and Delhi. Now the journey from Bhopal to Indore, Rani Kamlapati to Jabalpur will be fast, modern and convenient.
Information of workers reached me in America, Egypt as well
He said that on completion of nine years, programs are being organized across the country and information about the hard work you put in is continuously reaching me. Even when he was in America and Egypt, he used to get this information. That’s why it is more pleasant and enjoyable for me to meet you guys first on my arrival from there.
BJP’s biggest strength is its workers
The Prime Minister said that the biggest strength of the BJP is all of you workers. For every BJP worker, the country is bigger than the party. It is an auspicious opportunity for me to talk to such hardworking workers where the country is bigger than the party. I am also very curious.
be recognized as serviceable
Giving the mantra of public service to the workers, he said that the identity of the BJP at the booth should be that of a service person. The Prime Minister said, ‘Celebrate birthday in Anganwadi, if it is the date of father’s death, then celebrate in Anganwadi, also celebrate wedding anniversary in Anganwadi. Cook it from home and feed it to these children. You will also enjoy this and the malnutrition of these children will also reduce. During this, he also targeted the opposition. He said that ‘whoever talks in favor of triple talaq, advocates, these vote bank hungry people are doing great injustice to Muslim daughters. agency/his
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