CRIMEA, UKRAINE (TEH) – The last night, traffic on the Crimean bridge was restored in reverse mode along the far right lane of the Taman-Kerch direction. About it on Telegram channel Wrote Deputy Prime Minister Marat Khusnullin. Additional diagnostics were made prior to launch.
“As the President was informed today, the bridge was prepared to be launched as soon as possible. We did a preliminary diagnosis of the structures of the openings and this confirmed that their state allows you to initiate the movement,” explained Khusnullin.
According to the Deputy Prime Minister, artificial lighting was also arranged in the damaged openings according to the temporary scheme, during the repair work it will be fully restored.
“Thanks to Rosavtodor, road builders, builders and everyone who is currently working to keep the movement running for good as soon as possible!” added.
According to the data from RIA Novosti, at 5:15 Moscow time, the length of the traffic jam from Kerch to the Crimean Bridge reached 1.8 km, and the travel time is about an hour and a half. The reporter noted that personal belongings and a car were inspected at the entrance of the bridge. Later, as the cars gather in columns, drivers are asked not to overtake each other while crossing the bridge.
On the night of 17 July, an emergency occurred at the Crimean Bridge, which the National Counter-Terrorism Committee (NAC) considered a terrorist attack. According to the agency, the bridge was attacked by two Ukrainian unmanned surface vehicles. A wife from the Belgorod region died in an emergency, her daughter was injured. Making a statement about the incident, Vladimir Putin said that Russia would respond. According to him, the Ministry of Defense is preparing the relevant proposals.