In a recent turn of events, the Russian Air and Space Forces (Воздушно-космических сил России) executed a strategic airstrike on Snake Island, located in the Black Sea. This information was relayed by the Telegram channel “Военная хроника” or “Military Chronicle.”
The sources for this information were Ukrainian monitoring channels, which indicated that the strike on the island’s facilities was likely carried out using precision-guided FAB-500 aerial bombs equipped with planning and correction modules.
Recent activities have shown that Ukrainian airborne units have been frequently dispatched from Snake Island towards the northwestern coast of Crimea, specifically in the direction of Cape Tarkhankut. The Russian Ministry of Defense has reported the destruction of three boats carrying Ukrainian armed forces near the island by the naval aviation of the Russian Black Sea Fleet. Additionally, four American high-speed boats, Willard Sea Force, carrying Ukrainian paratroopers were also sunk.
Vladimir Konstantinov, the head of the Crimean parliament, has labeled the Ukrainian soldiers involved in such operations as “suicide squads.”
Further corroborating the escalating tensions in the region, a report by Devdiscourse highlighted that there was no immediate response from Ukraine regarding the incident. Snake Island, a symbol of Ukraine’s resistance against its larger neighbor’s invasion, has been a focal point of contention in the northwest of the Black Sea. The tensions have intensified ever since Russia withdrew from an agreement last month that had previously allowed Ukraine to transport grain from its southern ports despite the ongoing conflict.
In a related development, Inventiva reported statements from a high-ranking Russian general, Lieutenant General Andrey Mordvichev. He suggested that the conflict in Ukraine is merely the beginning, hinting at a broader confrontation in Europe.
Moreover, BBC News reported that Ukraine has claimed to regain control of four gas drilling platforms in the northern Black Sea, in proximity to the Crimean Peninsula. These platforms, known as the Boyko Towers, were seized by Russia in 2015, following the controversial annexation of Crimea.
The geopolitical landscape in the region remains volatile, with both nations showcasing their military prowess and strategic capabilities. The international community watches closely, hoping for a peaceful resolution to the ongoing conflict.