In a devastating incident that has sent shockwaves across the globe, at least thirteen people lost their lives in a catastrophic fire at Fonda Milagros, a nightclub in the Spanish city of Murcia. The tragedy unfolded in the early hours of Sunday and has elicited a torrent of emotions worldwide.
A Closure Order Ignored
Adding a layer of complexity to this already tragic event is the revelation that the nightclub had been ordered to close administratively in October 2022. Despite this, the venue continued to operate under a different name, Fonda Milagros, where the fatal fire broke out. Juan Esteban Ramírez, the Colombian owner of Fonda Milagros, vehemently denied any knowledge of the closure order during an interview on Mañanas Blu, a popular radio show.
A Cultural Haven Turned Tragic
Ramírez, who is of Colombian descent, described the nightclub as a cultural haven for Latinos, particularly Colombians. “The theme of the nightclub was 100% Colombian, very hostel style and very typical. It was a place where people could feel at home, even when far away from their native country,” he said.
Questions Over Regulatory Oversight
Ramírez also contested the notion that the authorities had warned him about the closure, calling it “illogical” and praising the efficiency of the local police in enforcing regulations. “If the police report to a store that it cannot operate, the first to close it will be the same authority, both in Colombia and here in Spain,” he asserted.
The Night of the Tragedy
The fire erupted around 6 a.m. local time and spread rapidly, engulfing not just Fonda Milagros but also affecting two other adjacent venues, Teatre and Golden. Firefighters arrived at the scene an hour later and managed to control the blaze within the next hour. The thirteen deceased were found in Fonda Milagros, and the cause of the fire remains unknown.
Ramírez, who was present during the incident, recounted the harrowing moments. “About 150 people were in the club at the time. We managed to evacuate as many as possible. The emergency lights came on almost immediately, but the fire was so intense that they only lasted for about 30 seconds,” he explained.
International Repercussions
The Colombian consulate in Valencia confirmed that three Colombians were among the thirteen deceased. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed its condolences and assured that it would provide comprehensive support to the survivors and their families.
Unanswered Questions
While the immediate focus is on supporting the affected families, questions remain about the regulatory oversight that allowed a venue ordered closed to continue operating. Investigations are ongoing, and as the world watches, the hope is that lessons will be learned to prevent such a tragedy from occurring again.