Amritsar, Punjab: In a significant Punjab Police encounter on December 20, 2023, the notorious gangster Amritpal Singh was fatally shot in Amritsar. This high-stakes operation, a critical event in Punjab news, underscores the ongoing struggle against organized crime in the region.
The incident unfolded in the Jandiala Guru area, a focal point in recent Amritsar news. Amritpal Singh, 22, was apprehended by the Punjab Police the previous day and was being transported to recover hidden narcotics and a firearm. The situation escalated when Singh attempted to escape, leading to a deadly exchange of gunfire.
During the operation to recover 2 kilograms of heroin and a weapon, Singh reportedly seized a concealed pistol and fired at the officers, injuring one. The police, in a defensive response, returned fire, resulting in Singh’s death. The incident, a significant entry in the annals of Punjab Police encounters, led to the recovery of narcotics and a Chinese-made pistol.
Singh, a resident of Bhagwa village near Jandiala Guru, was implicated in three murder trials and was known for his involvement in at least four murders and two attempted murders. His arrest, a notable event in Punjab news, was based on a tip-off.
Post-incident, Amritsar news reports noted an increased police presence in the area to ensure public safety. The encounter is a testament to the Punjab Police’s commitment to combating gang violence and drug trafficking.
The Punjab Police encounter resulting in the death of gangster Amritpal Singh is a significant development in Punjab news, highlighting the challenges and risks law enforcement faces in the fight against crime. This event in Amritsar news serves as a stark reminder of the ongoing efforts to uphold law and order in the region.