Chandigarh, Punjab – The Punjab government, led by Chief Minister Bhagwant Singh Mann, has announced a government holiday on December 28. This decision comes as the state prepares to observe the Shaheedi Sabha, a significant event in the Sikh community commemorating the martyrdom of the younger Sahibzadas of Guru Gobind Singh Ji.
The notification issued by the government specifies that all government offices, boards, corporations, educational institutions, and other government-run establishments in Punjab will remain closed on this day. The Shaheedi Sabha, which begins on December 28, is a solemn occasion marked by various religious and cultural events across the state.
This announcement is a departure from previous years when the day was included in the list of optional holidays. The government’s decision to declare it a gazetted holiday this year underscores the importance of the event and its significance in the Sikh faith and Punjab’s cultural heritage.
The Shaheedi Sabha is observed in memory of Baba Zorawar Singh and Baba Fateh Singh, the youngest sons of Guru Gobind Singh, the tenth Sikh Guru. Their sacrifice is a poignant chapter in Sikh history and is revered by the community for their bravery and unwavering commitment to their faith.
The holiday declaration is expected to allow citizens to participate in the observances and pay their respects. It also reflects the government’s recognition of the cultural and religious diversity of the state and its commitment to honoring its rich heritage.
The Punjab government’s decision has been widely welcomed by the community, as it allows for a more inclusive observance of the Shaheedi Sabha. Educational institutions, in particular, will have the opportunity to educate students about this important historical event and its significance in the Sikh faith.
This move by the Punjab government is a significant step in acknowledging and respecting the cultural and religious sentiments of its people. It not only honors the memory of the young martyrs but also reinforces the state’s commitment to preserving and promoting its diverse cultural heritage.