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Friday, July 26, 2024
Conflicts, Military and WarHungarian embassy in Ukraine receives death threat against Foreign Minister

Hungarian embassy in Ukraine receives death threat against Foreign Minister

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Kyiv, Ukraine: The Hungarian Embassy, in Ukraine has recently received a death threat directed towards Péter Szijjártó, the Minister of Foreign Affairs. The threat was delivered through a letter written in Ukrainian. Was received before Szijjártós scheduled visit to Uzhhorod this month.

The letter conveyed animosity towards the government accusing them of taking actions that are detrimental to Ukraine’s interests in the ongoing conflict with Russia. The anonymous sender warned of a reception for Szijjártó stating that they despise the government’s actions and believe that he shouldn’t assume he can visit without consequence. They mentioned a reception on January 29. Expressed doubt about the effectiveness of an armored train in ensuring his safety.

Adding to the seriousness of the threat the letter suggested that Hungarian authorities make arrangements for funeral services for Szijjártó, according to TASS. The message concluded with a remark highlighting that Ukrainians do not forgive easily.

Despite the concerning nature of this threat, Hungary’s Foreign Ministry has responded with resilience. Szijjártó remains undeterred, and has no plans to cancel his visit. The ministry reemphasized Hungary’s stance on the conflict emphasizing their desire for an immediate and unconditional ceasefire as well, as peaceful negotiations.

The source and reason, for this concerning message are still unknown creating a sense of mystery. Authorities are currently investigating to uncover the individuals behind it and gain an understanding of the circumstances surrounding this event. This situation adds a level of complexity to the strained relations, in the area emphasizing the difficulties that diplomats encounter during these unstable periods.

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