Chandigarh, India: Following the directives of Chief Minister Bhagwant Singh Mann to dismantle the network of organized crime in the state, the Punjab Police’s Anti-Gangster Task Force (AGTF), in a joint operation with central agencies, has successfully arrested three associates of the foreign-based gangster Goldy Brar from Gorakhpur, unraveling the mystery behind the sensational Chandigarh shooting case. This information was shared today by the Director-General of Police (DGP) Punjab, Gaurav Yadav.
The arrested individuals have been identified as Amritpal Singh alias Gujjar from Kaloli, Banur, Kamalpreet Singh from Devinagar, Abravan, Banur, and Prem Singh from Amrala, Derabassi. All the accused have a criminal background, with several cases registered against them in Punjab under charges of attempted murder, extortion, robbery, and the Arms Act.
According to reports, on January 19, 2024, unidentified assailants fired shots at a businessman’s house in Sector 5, Chandigarh. DGP Gaurav Yadav revealed that the AGTF Punjab, led by ADGP Pramod Ban and under the supervision of AIG Sandeep Goel and DSP Bikramjit Singh Brar, acted on intelligence and collaborated with the Chandigarh Police to trace the accused from Bihar to Uttar Pradesh. With the assistance of the Gorakhpur Police, the teams apprehended the suspects at the Gorakhpur Railway Station.
Initial investigations indicated that Amritpal Singh and Kamalpreet Singh fired shots at the businessman’s residence in Sector-5, Chandigarh, while the third accused, Prem Singh, helped them escape from the crime scene in his Verna car to his home.
DGP Yadav further stated that following Goldy Brar’s instructions, the three culprits fled to Bihar on January 27 and stayed at a hideout in the village of Chhitauli, as directed by Brar, before spending two days at the Gurudwara Patna Sahib. On the morning of February 4, they left the hideout to move to a new location.
AIG Sandeep Goel mentioned that further investigation into the case is ongoing, and there is hope for the recovery of weapons and ammunition in the coming days.
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