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Monday, June 24, 2024
WorldAmericasNenad Korof AKA Neno, a seasoned fraudster launches another scam SocialX (SOSX)

Nenad Korof AKA Neno, a seasoned fraudster launches another scam SocialX (SOSX)

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In the high-stakes world of cryptocurrency, a new scam has emerged, sending shockwaves through the community. Nenad Korof, known as Neno, has orchestrated a deceptive rug pull scheme with his cryptocurrency, SocialX (SOSX), leaving investors in turmoil.

The rug pull tactic employed in this cryptocurrency scam involves creators artificially inflating the value of a token, only to suddenly withdraw liquidity, leaving investors with worthless assets. Unfortunately, Neno’s SocialX (SOSX) project has become the latest victim of this deceitful strategy, causing financial harm to those who trusted in its promises.

What sets this scam apart is its ongoing nature. Despite facing serious allegations of fraud and misconduct, Neno has shown no remorse or willingness to be held accountable. Instead, he has brazenly introduced a new coin, nenotoken.com, raising concerns of a potential recurrence of past events with even graver repercussions for investors.

The repercussions of Neno’s rug pull scheme have been devastating, leaving many investors disillusioned and financially harmed. This ongoing cryptocurrency scam underscores the need for greater transparency and accountability within the industry. The rise of rug pulls highlights the risks associated with investing in cryptocurrencies and emphasizes the importance of due diligence and caution.

Crypto token scam (ACA token)

During the investigation, we found that Neno’s previous fraud venture ACA token was also a success for him.

Crypto token scam (ACA token)
byu/funnlovee inCryptoScamBlacklist

On a community website Reddit many spoke about his ACA token scam on . A user said, “I went to elementary school with him [Nenad Korof]. He’s always been a little weasel. When he was around 14 he would steal bikes and sell them. Around 18 he started stealing cars and selling them. Then he started pimping out escorts in his 20s. That eventually led him to forex scamming and now cyrpto scamming. He’s been a dirt ball of a person all his life. He’s become a millionaire off doing innocent people dirty. Karma will eventually catch up to him.”

Another user added, “I was scammed 82 k at the same platform.”

It seems as if his life is full of scams and frauds only. We found another interesting FOREX scam by Neno on the ForexPeaceArmy website. A victim said that Neno’s venture is a complete scam.

Investors must remain vigilant and conduct thorough research before committing funds to any cryptocurrency project. With scams like Neno’s SocialX (SOSX) on the rise, skepticism, and scrutiny are essential tools for protecting against financial losses.’

Nenad AKA Neno – a cryptocurrency scammer, fraudster, and founder of SocialX (SOSX) coin [PHOTO: Instagram]
Regulatory authorities and industry watchdogs also play a crucial role in safeguarding investors and upholding the integrity of the cryptocurrency market. It is imperative that they investigate fraud allegations and hold accountable those engaging in deceptive practices.

The ongoing Neno’s cryptocurrency scam poses a potential risk for small investors and early investors in crypto. Unfortunately, Neno’s SocialX (SOSX) project is not an isolated incident. Cryptocurrency scams have plagued the industry for years, with notable cases like the Mt. Gox scandal in 2014, where hundreds of millions of dollars’ worth of Bitcoin were lost due to hacking and mismanagement. More recently, the Bitconnect Ponzi scheme in 2018 defrauded investors of billions of dollars, highlighting the need for greater regulation and oversight.

Earlier, Yem coin scam has also been exposed by The Eastern Herald.

We are further investigating the investments on SocialX (SOSX) and will come up with more information including the lifestyle, residence, and friend circle of Nenad Korof AKA Neno. 

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