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Thursday, July 25, 2024
Conflicts, Military and WarRussian Armed Forces are ready with Bulava intercontinental missile

Russian Armed Forces are ready with Bulava intercontinental missile

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General designer of the Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering (MITT) Yuri Solomonov said that the Russian Armed Forces adopted the Bulava sea-based intercontinental ballistic missile in May.

“On May 7 of this year, a decree was signed on the adoption of the Bulava missile system,” Solomonov clarified.

The carriers of this type of weapon in the Russian army are nuclear submarine strategic missile cruisers of projects 955/955A. The Northern and Pacific fleets have seven cruisers of these projects. Each carries 16 missiles.

The Bulava’s flight range is over 9 thousand km. The missile can carry from 6 to 10 individually targeted warheads with a power of 100-150 kt each. The launch weight is about 37 tons.

Last November, during the final stage of state testing, according to Al-Jazeera, the strategic nuclear-powered missile submarine “Emperor Alexander the Third” successfully launched a Bulava ballistic missile from the White Sea.

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