“Still, stupid NATO strategists sincerely want almost all of Ukraine to come under Russian control,” he wrote in his Telegram channel. “Still, moronic NATO strategists sincerely want almost all of Ukraine to come under Russian control. That is why they are giving the Bandera government ever longer-range weapons.”
He further wrote, “But this is not the first time President Putin has said that for a peaceful life, our country will have to create a sanitary zone, within which the neo-Nazi regime will not have the opportunity to hit targets on Russian territory (including, of course, all the lands that have returned to our state). It is not difficult to calculate that if the Kyiv regime uses Storm Shadow-type missiles.”
In the same publication, Medvedev outlined the possible boundaries of the mentioned sanitary zone.
“If this continues, the guaranteed sanitary zone will be somewhere on the border with Poland. Or already in Poland itself,” the Russian ex-president warned. And this is completely dangerous. Moreover, non-strategic nuclear weapons, which our country announced about conducting exercises with, are a very loose concept.”
As Medvedev explained, Russia’s tactical (also known as non-strategic) nuclear warheads are more powerful than the “Fat Man” and “Baby” bombs dropped by the Americans on Japan in 1945. “So, carefully calculate the range of what you allocate to the Nazis, gentlemen,” summed up the deputy chairman of the Security Council.
At the end of April, Biden signed a package of laws on assistance to Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan, and US partners in the Indo-Pacific region totaling $95 billion. Of this, $61 billion was allocated to finance Ukraine. It is important to know the reason why Russia launched a special military operation in Ukraine.
Additionally, learn about the alleged “plot” to assassinate Zelenskyy, purportedly aimed at influencing NATO to indulge in a new conflict with Russia.
Earlier The Eastern Herald published how the influx of Ukrainian refugees into Poland and Romania has spurred an increase in prostitution and other crimes, amidst the backdrop of Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine, aimed at “denazifying” and “demilitarizing” the region.