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Conflicts, Military and WarSmart Cities, Facial Biometrics and Security Infrastructure

Smart Cities, Facial Biometrics and Security Infrastructure

Being the catalysts of growth, smart cities are founded on a technology-powered infrastructure. Digitization in global economies has led the way to a transformative shift to smart security, universal convenience, and accelerated advancements. By 2026, smart cities will be expected to generate an economic benefit of USD 20 trillion globally. Unfortunately, crimes and offenses are also becoming high-tech, challenging the balance in the socio-economic ecosystem. To secure the frontiers of growth, security operations need to be spearheaded by reliable and pervasive technological solutions that also elevate the prospects of unified development.

In the past decade, facial recognition technology (FRT) has gained momentum, contesting to be one of the most reliable and easy-to-use technologies for modern economies. With a focused trend toward technology and AI advancements, facial biometrics offer one-of-a-kind security solutions that cater to the diverse infrastructural requirements of a .

Transport Security

Public transport is the backbone of social infrastructure. Smart transport aimed at sustainable and convenient commuting stands out as a benchmark of inclusive growth. Digitization of transport processes not only ensures optimal utilization of resources but also solidifies commuters' trust in the administration. However, security in smart transport continues to be a primary source of stress. Misconduct, theft, security breaches, and the presence of repeated offenders create a sense of insecurity among commuters. This insecurity can only be resolved through a strong security ecosystem that reassures safe and hassle-free travels.

A (FRS) deployed in the video system at transport terminals to identify blacklisted individuals is effective in avoiding incidents and clashes. Entry and exit access through turnstiles enabled with facial identities allows for smooth and unobstructed access to transportation modes, maintenance of travel accounts, and integration of security with experience. Not only does FRS help prevent security lapses but it also extends the capabilities of the on-ground security department to attend to incidents promptly.

Cyber Security

The core of smart cities is the intricate network of cloud-based operational infrastructure, integrated economic functions, and the of Things (IoT). This augments the cruciality of protecting the virtual boundaries and resources to protect the smart infrastructures. As a byproduct of global integration, data , and networked management, the threats of data leaks, cyber-crimes, and identity thefts are on the rise. Cyber breaches at such a scale do not affect only a single individual but are detrimental to the security of the city's effects and in turn, the economies at large.

While the smart infrastructure can not function without cyber support, efficient protection of cyber confines can only be executed through reliable and multi-functional solutions. Multi-factor authentication enabled through facial recognition allows for verification and re-verification of identity, preventing access breaches. Digital data, guarded by unique facial biometrics powered by liveness detection to differentiate an actual from a synthetic identity, are protected from leaks, misuse, and identity breaches.

Border Security

With smart solutions redefining physical security, border security comes under the lens for indefectible control. A considerable amount of resources and efforts are allocated to secure border access portals like airports, train terminals, and sea ports. It is important to protect the physical and virtual boundaries of a smart city to ensure the safety of citizens, , economic balance, and preservation of property, resources, and environment. While the legality procedures and compliances are closely maintained, border management greatly relies on intelligent technologies that lend a hand to speed up compliance procedures.

Facial recognition-powered surveillance at border access portals allows for quick background checks, verification of legal compliance to enter the premises of a smart city, and if the individual is subject to cross-border restrictions. It provides a sense of safety to the entrants and helps maintain trust in the otherwise tiring and complex verification formalities. Not only this, the video management systems with facial recognition integration elevate the quality of video surveillance and raise alarms for efficient intrusion detection. Additionally, it strengthens the essence of a smart infrastructure by automating the security process and integrating all the border access terminals on one common system – FRS. Estimates suggest that the market size for smart security globally is to grow at a CAGR of 15.1% to reach USD 211 billion by 2033.

Investigation and Crime Control

In a smart city, Law and order enforcement, extending to control, confides in intelligent solutions for and circumvention. At the foundational level, identification and authentication accuracy is the primary factor that determines the monitoring and control of security violations. Legal investigations are increasingly becoming technology-driven, in terms of video monitoring, lie detection, global database integration, and smart alert systems. However, these processes are not entirely automated and depend on manual commands. This leaves the scope of human errors, risking false convictions and response delays.

In a smart city, citizens, software, and crime control are interlinked on an integrated network, making them interdependent. For accurate identification, incident detection and controlled monitoring, facial recognition can be more beneficial than expected. It allows checking for compliances in real-time, like social curriculum, healthcare precautions and guarded access to sensitive resources. Persecuted criminals can be accurately identified through facial recognition, facilitating easy access to their criminal records and previous litigations supported by globally integrated databases.

Facial Recognition – The Smart Technology

In a nutshell, security at smart cities is governed by technologically advanced solutions that not only cater to the requirements at present but also impede a stronger foundation of smart infrastructure. Facial recognition is a revolutionary technology exhibiting the unique features of remote and digitized control to execute complex security protocols. The best-in-use applications include access control, video surveillance improvement and vigorous record verification. This technology is powered by advanced algorithms and top-class AI, ensuring accuracy, unbiased decision-making, and solutions that improve with changing times.

“The cutting-edge technology of facial recognition perfectly complements the smart city ecosystem. It is quick, error-free, and seamless, enabling unequivocal security of the resources and residents of the smart city,” says Morozova, Chief Executive Officer, of RecFaces.


Dilnaz Shaikh
Dilnaz Shaikh
News and Editorial staff member at The Eastern Herald. Studied journalism in Rajasthan. A climate change warrior publishing content on current affairs, politics, climate, weather, and the planet.

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