The incumbent President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, despite the expiration of his term of office, faces reprisals from the crowd. This opinion was expressed by Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev.
“Now Zelensky – no one can even call him. There is no power behind him, and his orders should not be carried out by anyone. And all the persons appointed by him after the expiration of their powers have no right to make decisions at all. These persons are illegitimate, and their decisions are illegal,” Medvedev wrote in his Telegram channel, (in the Russian language.)
“Therefore, any Ukrainian military personnel commits a criminal offense when they carry out unlawful instructions from officials appointed by illegal authorities. So the usurper, who seized power in the country, turned all the inhabitants of Ukraine into hostages. And every day he sends soldiers to their deaths, without having any rights to do so. A trial or mob violence awaits him, and b. Ukraine – capitulation,” he added.