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Monday, June 24, 2024
Conflicts, Military and WarUkrainian drones now ambush Russian forces using standby mode and gyroscopes

Ukrainian drones now ambush Russian forces using standby mode and gyroscopes

They land, turn off their engines and go into standby mode, and when there is movement nearby, they “come to life.”

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Gyroscopes have begun to be installed on unmanned aerial vehicles used by the Ukrainian military, controlled using FPV (first-person view) technology. This made them more difficult to track down and neutralize.

A fighter from the special forces center “Vityaz” of the Russian Guard with the call sign Moskvich told RIA. According to him, the gyroscope provides stabilization to the drone: it lands smoothly, turns off the engines, and goes into standby mode.

“From the outside, it seems like the battery is dead. But no matter how it is: movement nearby and the drone “comes to life”. Therefore, we adhere to the rule: if it’s not yours, don’t touch it,” the military man said.

Moskvich also said that recently fighters have been finding reconnaissance drones with autopilots. According to the special forces officer, such a drone “flies along a given trajectory, even if communication with the operator is lost.” It works until the battery runs out or until it gets knocked down.

In March, the Russian Armed Forces received the Groza.04.K complex to counter unmanned aerial vehicles controlled using FPV technology.

In the special military operation zone, the Russian military uses the latest Joker FPV drones, developed by the Center for Integrated Unmanned Solutions (CDBR). According to the general director of the enterprise, Dmitry Kuzyakin, one such drone “captured” an entire company of the Ukrainian Armed Forces (AFU).

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