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Education & ResearchRussian scientists have taken a new step towards unraveling the origin of life

Russian scientists have taken a new step towards unraveling the origin of life

RSC: Samara scientists are getting closer to solving the mystery of the origin of life

Russian scientists from the Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev, as part of an international team, have taken another step toward unraveling the origin of life on Earth. The results of the study were published in the journal Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC).

Scientists experimenting inside a lab
Scientists experimenting inside a lab [PHOTO: srgtalent]
According to a group of scientists, the synthesis of simple organic matter in conditions simulating space ice will help to find the key to the emergence of organic life.

Scientists from Samara have synthesized methylglyoxal (CH3C(O)CHO) for the first time in conditions close to space conditions, by irradiating ice consisting of carbon monoxide and acetaldehyde using electron beams in a deep vacuum at liquid helium temperatures, published by the journal Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC).

“Methylglyoxal can serve as a key precursor to sugars, sugar acids, and amino acids,” noted Ivan Antonov, associate professor at the Department of Physics at Samara University.


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