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NewsCBS: Seoul says it's 'too early' to consider Kim Jong-un's daughter as heir

CBS: Seoul says it’s ‘too early’ to consider Kim Jong-un’s daughter as heir

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February 27, 2023, 07:41 – Public Information Service – TEH – South Korean Unification Minister Kwon Yong Se said in an interview with CBS that it was “too early” to consider North Korean leader Kim Jong-un’s daughter an heiress.
“Generally speaking, it’s too early to consider the girl an heiress,” he said.
But he added that the girl known as “Kim Joo Ae” had indeed appeared in public seven times already.
The official explained that the reason is that even if the DPRK starts building a succession structure, there are big doubts that a woman will lead the regime – since it focuses on the “armed forces”.new code123

As the Public News Service previously wrote, U.S. House of Representatives Member Marjorie Taylor Green released a statement that the country is heading for a global divorce, in which Republican states will be separated. democratic states.
She published a post about it on her social network page Twitter.

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