Her Excellency Mrs. Buthaina bint Ali Jabr Al-Nuaimi, Minister of Education and Higher Education, affirmed the commitment of the State of Qatar to support the least developed countries by strengthening comprehensive and effective national education systems, whether in distance classes or in direct educational sites, and improving curricula that respond to the dynamic nature of education and training. and labor market. She stressed the importance of strengthening local contexts, including country-specific challenges, local cultural contents, capacity development of teachers, especially in rural areas, improvements in basic infrastructure, and provision of adequate supplies to suit the learning requirements of all children. In an interview with Qatar News Agency (QNA), Her Excellency said that the issue of education is one of the main pillars of the country’s development programs, as education is the guarantee for building sustainable societies that are able to withstand challenges, as it contributes to increasing the productivity of individuals and promoting economic growth. It ensures the development of professional skills necessary to achieve sustainable development in various fields of life, which contributes to improving the health and living conditions of people. She also stressed that the State of Qatar is committed, in this context, to supporting the least developed countries in increasing school enrollment rates, reducing dropout rates, providing school feeding programs that support healthy diets, water and sanitation facilities, vaccinations, various school health services, and improving the quality of education. , especially core learning competencies. She added that Qatar is also striving to ensure access to the Internet in less developed countries, significantly increase access to electricity, provide digital literacy skills and lifelong learning systems, as well as distribute educational equipment and materials, whether in physical or digital form, with Focusing on the poorest and most vulnerable families. She expressed the State of Qatar’s belief that education plays a fundamental role in building sustainable and resilient societies, and contributes to increasing the productivity of individuals and enhancing the potential for economic growth, in addition to developing the vocational skills necessary to achieve sustainable development in various fields of life, such as: clean energy, water, and the preservation of natural resources, and it also contributes to improving the health and living conditions of people. She said: The Fifth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries, which Doha will host from March 5 to 9, will be an opportunity to highlight the importance of universal access to quality and comprehensive education at all levels, to eliminate the gender gap in school enrollment and completion of education, and to enhance the quality of education. for all in least developed countries. She noted that through the conference an increase in the number of places and scholarships available globally for students and trainees from least developed countries would be pursued, particularly in the fields of science, educational technology, business administration and economics, and full utilization of available scholarships would be encouraged. , significantly increase access to the Internet, electricity and school meals that support healthy diets, and basic services necessary to support the educational process, and conduct feasibility studies to explore the possibility of establishing a virtual university or equivalent platforms for least developed countries, with the expansion of vocational training, and good training opportunities and promoting other active labor market policies to facilitate a smooth transition from school to work for both sexes, as well as urging the international community to unite efforts to get children back to school in the aftermath of COVID-19, and to ensure safe and quality education for all children. HE the Minister of Education and Higher Education stated that the State of Qatar has undertaken many initiatives and programs that support education for children in conflict zones, including the initiative of the Education Above All Foundation, by making available its educational program in emergencies, which has supported more than 1.5 million children in Ukraine who have been forced to become refugees, and the educational program produced by the Foundation was developed in Ukrainian and Russian, as part of the award-winning free electronic educational resource bank " Crisis and conflict category by Mobile Learning Alliance". She said: "In the field of protecting education, the State of Qatar is an effective and influential factor for bringing about positive transformations and creating a world where peace, prosperity and human dignity prevail. Funding for education in emergencies for Qatar is a priority in development aid, which the State is keen to provide to countries, whether due to armed conflicts or disasters. More than 78 countries have benefited from the initiatives of the State of Qatar, whether through the Education Above All Foundation, or with the support of the Qatar Fund for Development. The State of Qatar also submitted a draft resolution to adopt an international day to protect education from attacks, as the decision was unanimously adopted in May 2020. And September 9 of each year has become the International Day for the Protection of Education".
Her Excellency Mrs. Buthaina bint Ali Jabr Al Nuaimi, Minister of Education and Higher Education, praised the ability of the Fifth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries to address the challenges related to education in the least developed countries, as she emphasized that this comes by calling on all countries to take more exceptional measures and measures, The call for strengthening international and multilateral cooperation to address the challenges affecting the least developed countries, based on the concept of human security, and to ensure that no one is left behind. She said: "We are aware that the least developed countries, despite the many challenges and obstacles they face, abound with huge potential of human, cultural and natural resources, which can be harnessed to achieve sustainable economic growth, well-being, peace, prosperity, food and energy security, millions of young people and an increasing number of The population of education age to become pioneers in various fields if they are given the appropriate opportunities in the field of development and the factors of transformational change.". She stressed the need for actions taken by all parties in favor of the least developed countries to target the challenges in a sustainable manner, and to take advantage of the opportunities to catalyze the greatest positive impact on development. In supporting issues of education and sustainable development for all. HE the Minister of Education and Higher Education revealed that the State of Qatar will present during the conference proposals to protect education and its role in adhering to these initiatives, including, for example, the State of Qatar will commit to conducting feasibility studies to explore the possibility of establishing a virtual university or other equivalent platforms to support STEM education through Internet at undergraduate level, postgraduate studies, in least developed countries, newly denominated countries provide political support for the promotion of distance education, open education in undergraduate and postgraduate studies in science, technology, engineering and mathematics to ensure gender balance on at all levels, taking special measures to reach the poorest and people in vulnerable situations, as well as creating a virtual network of educational institutions inside and outside the least developed countries, helping to design courses, develop curricula, expand the educational system and achieve sustainability, with Taking into account all pre-existing initiatives, developed by the relevant partners in a sha manner Religion. Her Excellency reaffirmed that the State of Qatar is working to ensure that all girls and boys complete equitable, quality and comprehensive primary and secondary education in the least developed countries, which leads to achieving appropriate and effective educational results, sustainable and inclusive economic growth, and ensuring equal access for all learners of both sexes. education at all levels, eliminate the gender gap in enrolment and completion of education, and enhance the quality of education for all in those countries, in addition to significantly increasing the number of places and scholarships available globally to students and trainees from least developed countries, particularly in the areas of Sciences, educational technology, business administration, economics, and encouragement to make the best use of scholarships available to students of least developed countries. She noted that the State of Qatar, through financing education in emergencies to more than 78 countries, has provided initiatives through the Education Above All Foundation, with the support of the Qatar Fund for Development, to help provide appropriate learning opportunities for all ages in crisis situations, including pre-school. , primary and secondary education, vocational education, higher education, and adult education. Education in an emergency also provides physical, psychological and cognitive protection that works on sustainability in life. She pointed out that "Education Above All Foundation" For its part, it works to ensure that all children in the developing world enjoy their right to education, especially those children who are not enrolled in schools, who currently number 59 million children around the world, as the Foundation addresses education issues with a special commitment towards the most deprived of education, through capacity building, resource mobilization, and the establishment of multi-sectoral partnerships, as the Foundation has worked on several international programmes, namely: "Teach a child"And"Protecting education in situations of conflict and insecurity"And"Good hands towards Asia"And"proud". She indicated that the Foundation is carrying out internal partnerships, including its conclusion of an agreement with Qatar University, through which it provided scholarships exceeding 120 scholarships for students from outside the country, to provide higher education opportunities to ensure that the most disadvantaged groups have access to higher education, which will contribute to building a prosperous future. HE the Minister of Education and Higher Education stressed that the State of Qatar, with the support of the international community, has a very important role in building stronger systems capable of facing challenges in the least developed countries to achieve sustainable development, and helping those countries to design resilient systems and face risks. Designing infrastructure in the fields of transportation, communications, information technology, health system and food system. In this context, she said: The Fifth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries aims to involve all local, regional and international bodies to develop solutions that meet the needs of individuals and guarantee their rights, especially that the State of Qatar believes in equal opportunities, especially that those countries have human resources that allow them to catch up. catch up, achieve prosperity in their countries, and achieve economic growth and sustainable development. She noted that the conference enhances the role of the State of Qatar as an active member of the international community in supporting education, and the belief that it is the main means for building and prospering societies, and achieving sustainable development. And she continued by saying: "We seek to continue efforts in urging the international community to support least developed countries in gaining access to educational tools and digital technologies, and using them effectively to improve education outcomes for all learners, with a focus on the poorest and most vulnerable households, especially for girls, and to support large-scale national efforts to use all forms of technology Distance learning, especially low-cost technology, to support distance learning and online education". Regarding the role of the United Nations Organization in Support of Education in the world, Her Excellency the Minister of Education and Higher Education said: His Excellency Mr. Antonio Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations, drew attention to the challenges that education faced against the background of the Corona pandemic, and called for serious action regarding the provision and quality of education, as he stressed In his message on the occasion of the International Day of Education, he stressed that education is one of the most important public goods, and that it is a key factor for achieving all the goals of the sustainable development plan in the least developed countries, and therefore the State of Qatar shares the vision of the United Nations General Assembly, that without ensuring quality, comprehensive and equitable education for all, and promoting Lifelong education opportunities for all Countries will not succeed in achieving gender equality and breaking the cycle of poverty, which will leave millions of children and youth behind. She added that HE the Secretary-General of the United Nations stresses the need to protect the right to quality education for all, especially girls everywhere, to achieve sustainable development, and for schools to become safe and healthy places, where there is no place for violence or intimidation, noting that this will only happen through Through global solidarity, protection of education budgets, and increases in resources for each student to achieve better educational outcomes, which is what the United Nations Conference aspires to.