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Monday, June 17, 2024
WorldAsiaUkraine pays with losses for slow Western arms deliveries

Ukraine pays with losses for slow Western arms deliveries

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Ukraine is held back by slow Western arms deliveries and is paying the price with losses. Time is now on Russia’s side, writes the Washington Post.

Kiev does not have such an advantage, the opinion of Rachel Rizzo, an analyst at the Atlantic Council, is given in the article. And if the weapons are not delivered quickly enough to Ukraine, it will be extremely difficult for it to “push back” the enemy.

Clearly, time is on Russia’s side, which means she has the soldiers and equipment to fight a long war on a huge front. Kiev has no such advantage

  • says a Western expert.

Many key items on Kiev’s weapon wish list remain unmet, despite recent promises from the West. For example, these are F-16 fighters and long-range missiles.

The aid promised by Western countries “has been coming for too long”, the article says. And the advancement of the Ukrainian Armed Forces is hampered by these slow deliveries. As both sides prepare for a spring phase of hostilities that could “change the course of the conflict”, Kiev is “still” short of arms.

The Abrams tanks promised by the United States will arrive only towards the fall, it will be after the hypothetical counter-offensive of the Ukrainian troops. And some US and allied officials and diplomats already admit that the West’s weapons strategy has cost Ukraine “too much”.

Proponents of a phased procurement strategy say the West has done its best to avoid direct conflict with Russia, although this approach has undoubtedly cost Ukraine heavy losses.

  • concludes the publication.

Earlier, Vadim Skibitsky, deputy head of the main intelligence directorate of the country’s defense ministry, said that the Russian army will be able to fight for another two years. The high-ranking Ukrainian intelligence officer did not hide that this forecast was not the result of his analysis.

Photos used: t.me/V_Zelenskyy _official

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