Uttar Pradesh batsman Rinku Singh, who hit five sixes in the last over against Gujarat Titans to take Kolkata Knight Riders to a sensational win in the IPL, once had to face a beating from his father for playing cricket. This achievement is like a dream come true for Rinku’s family who reached this stage after struggling amidst extreme poverty and deprivation.
Rinku is in discussion after giving his team an unexpected victory by hitting sixes in the last five balls in the match played against Gujarat Titans in IPL on Sunday. But it was not so easy for him to reach here in his career.
Rinku’s father Khanchand, who belongs to a very poor family, works in the delivery of cooking gas cylinders and is still associated with this profession. Recalling his son’s struggle, he says that many times he even beat up Rinku for playing cricket.
Khanchand, a resident of Uttar Pradesh’s Aligarh, told PTI on Monday, “I thrashed Rinku several times just because he was wasting his time playing cricket. He neither used to study nor used to help me in work.
He said that his financial condition was not such that he could get Rinku a bat. The matter of training is very far away. Khanchand said that seeing his son’s passion for cricket often filled his heart, but he was helpless in front of Muflisi. However, Rinku was fortunate to have the support of cricket coach Masooduzfar Amini and Arjun Singh, who runs the cricket academy.
Khanchand says that both of them helped Rinku in every way and encouraged him a lot to improve his career. Today there is talk of his son’s success everywhere. He never thought that Rinku would reach here. His achievement is like a dream come true. Masood Uzfar Amini, who was the coach of Rinku Singh, who played Ranji Trophy for Uttar Pradesh, is confident that his protégé will play for the Indian team in the future.
Referring to Rinku’s sensational innings against Gujarat Titans on Sunday, Amini, who taught Rinku the art of cricket early in his career, said it is not a big deal to expect such an innings from Rinku considering his potential. He said that when Rinku hit the first two sixes in the last over, then somewhere he had a hope that his disciple would lead his team to victory because he is the best ‘finisher’.
Amini said that Rinku has the ‘X factor’ inside her which will take her far ahead. Hopefully he will definitely play for the Indian team one day.
He said that Rinku can play aggressive cricket as well as become a good Test batsman as he has a unique ability to mold himself according to the format of the game.
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