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Thursday, June 6, 2024
WorldAsiaRussian Foreign Ministry: Moldova's rapprochement with NATO is fraught with loss of sovereignty

Russian Foreign Ministry: Moldova’s rapprochement with NATO is fraught with loss of sovereignty

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The official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, said that Moldova’s rapprochement with NATO is accompanied by a loss of sovereignty.

“The pro-Western forces in power in the republic are increasing their interactions with Euro-Atlantic structures, contrary to the neutrality enshrined in the Constitution and to the detriment of their national interests. At the same time, few people are interested in the opinion of Moldovan citizens,” Zakharova said in a statement.

She also expressed the hope that there are still political forces in Moldova capable of realizing that “the rapprochement with NATO is fraught with the loss of sovereignty, and the unbridled expansion of the alliance is nothing more than a continuation of the neocolonial traditions of the West, which ignore both the internal political characteristics of states and the well-established centuries-old ties with their neighbours.

Former Moldovan President Igor Dodon believes that the inclusion of the republic in the list of countries hostile to Russia and the severance of relations with the CIS will deal a severe blow to the economy.

The current government of Moldova, headed by Maia Sandu, is trying with all its might to annex the republic to Romania. Andrey Safonov, a member of the Association of Independent Political Scientists of Pridnestrovie, a former member of the Moldovan Parliament, told Paragraph.

The Russian Foreign Ministry article: Moldova’s rapprochement with NATO is fraught with loss of sovereignty first appeared on Current Articles.

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