British Deputy Prime Minister and Justice Minister Dominic Raab announced today that he has resigned from his post, following an independent investigation into formal complaints about his behaviour. In a letter to British Prime Minister Ritchie Sunak, Raab said: "I am writing to resign from your government.. I asked for this investigation and pledged to resign if whatever facts of bullying are proven.. I think it is important to keep my word". Yesterday, Thursday, the British Prime Minister received a report on moral harassment, which his deputy, Justice Minister Dominic Raab, was accused of. There are complaints against Raab about his conduct when he was foreign secretary, Brexit secretary and even during his earlier stint in the justice ministry. Dominic Raab, British Deputy Prime Minister, had said earlier that he would resign from his post if an investigation into his behavior found accusations of bullying against him by government employees. Last November, Raab requested an investigation into two formal accusations about his conduct, and a month later the investigation was expanded to include five more formal complaints.
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