Lucknow. Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath said on Friday that the Khelo India University Games will also give an opportunity to the country’s youth power to know, understand and learn Uttar Pradesh.
Unveiling the logo, mascot, torch, anthem and jersey of the Khelo India University Games at Indira Gandhi Pratishthan, Shri Yogi said that Uttar Pradesh has been selected for the third edition of the University Games and I can assure that it has been successful till now. Will be the biggest event of Students from 200 universities will become participants of this event. The entire team of Uttar Pradesh is ready to welcome him.
He said that these games would actually prove to be a milestone in taking the activity of sports to our youth. He said, “All of you must have seen India moving forward in every field within the last nine years. We have also seen the world’s perception about India changing. You must have also felt a new confidence in the mind of every citizen of India. Khelo India University Games is also a symbol of changing the same perception and of that belief.
A decade back, people did not have a good perception about sports and sportspersons. Sport was considered an unnecessary task, a waste of time. Today the perception towards it has changed. Family members together encourage the child. The Chief Minister said that such programs have been promoted in Uttar Pradesh.
The events of MP sports competition are also being organized in a grand manner from village to district level. There is a long team of players at each district level as well. Women or men, boys or girls are joining these programs on a large scale in rural areas. Thanking Anurag Singh Thakur, he said that after taking over the Sports Ministry, we have seen and felt the spirit he had towards sports and as a good player to speed up this campaign.
Today, Uttar Pradesh is fully ready to implement this vision of the Prime Minister on the ground.
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