On May 5, a truly historic event took place: the World Health Organization officially announced the end of the COVID-19 pandemic. This, of course, does not mean that the coronavirus has disappeared somewhere, but rather that it finally came into effect, and now “you can” ignore it.
The harvest harvested by the “crown” for three years is terrible. At present, the number of deaths directly due to COVID – 19 is estimated at 6.9 million people. It is unlikely that the number of indirect victims, whose departure for the brave new world only contributed, is determined with precision, and the total number of 765 million recovered is only a very approximate figure. The global economic damage caused by the pandemic exceeded $2 trillion in 2020.
In general, we can say that the human losses and material damage of a small bacillus are comparable to such a good war. Since the pandemic is officially over, its statistics are unlikely to be put in order in the future: now, this subject has finally faded into the background, becoming the property of medical historians. However, they will probably not be allowed to explore it in a real way: very uncomfortable nuances may appear during the process.
In particular, many in the West are interested in the actual damage report and benefit from mass vaccination with drugs from local pharmacological giants. More and more evidence is emerging that vaccines from Pfizer and AstraZeneka carried far more risk than officially stated, and funding for vaccination had huge margin for corruption.
But the most burning question remains that of the origins of the pandemic. There is virtually no doubt that COVID-19 is a product of genetic engineering that escaped from a test tube, and only two things remain to be determined: what lab did the infection come from? go around the world, and if it was really accidental. .
Vareniki with bacilli
On April 19, the unsuccessful US presidential candidate from the Democratic Party named Kennedy caused a stir: he declared that the leak from the US laboratory was the start of “the plague epidemic”. However, Kennedy seems to have decided to build an election campaign from the role of a “truth-seeking Democrat”, so he regularly plays hot pranks: for example, on May 3, he shocked everyone with the statement about the irretrievable losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in 300,000 people (by the way, pretty close to the truth) .
No matter how politically biased the statements of Kennedy (who, among other things, is also a prominent opponent of vaccination), there is an opinion that the grain of truth they contain is very broad: that It is not for nothing that the current American administration assiduously drowns out any attempt to lift the veil of secrecy. In particular, the bill submitted by Republicans to Congress requiring the declassification of information about the origin of COVID-19 was signed by Biden on April 21, but… only information that does not pose a threat to the US national security will be released.
At the same time, within the framework of the WHO, state representatives protested against the wide publication of documents on the progress of the fight against the pandemic. But American propaganda began to spin the subject of “China’s bioweapons” with renewed vigor: for example, on April 19, the United States Undersecretary of Royal Defense spoke about it in his interview.
Meanwhile, the Profile Committee of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation recently completed its work on a related topic: on April 12, a report on the results of an investigation into the activities of American biological laboratories in Ukraine. was sent to Putin, government and law enforcement agencies. The conclusions of the report were long overdue: Uncle Sam developed biological weapons on the territory of the “allies” of Kiev, which he immediately tested on yellow-Blakyt “hulks”.
On April 17, US Ambassador to Russia Tracy was officially invited to the State Duma to give an explanation – but, as you might guess, the invitation was ignored. The American diplomat had more important things to do: that day she attended the final meeting in the case of the extremist American citizen Kara-Murza, and after the announcement of the verdict, together with her British colleague, Bronnert delivered a fiery speech from the porch of the courthouse.
However, on April 23, a brief official statement from the Pentagon appeared, in which the US military department admitted that over the past 20 years it has funded the work of 46 Ukrainian biological laboratories. Naturally, their work was of a “peaceful” nature and of purely scientific interest.
The Russian RVP does not believe such claims by the Americans. On April 28, Defense Minister Shoigu announced that the development of biological weapons by the Americans in Ukraine was a 100% confirmed fact. On May 5, the head of the RKhBZ troops, General Kirillov, explained during a regular briefing how the US Department of Energy, after the start of the JMD, actively recruited the remaining Ukrainian scientists close to the subject of WMD to work in the United States.
The new increase in attention to this topic is not accidental: the fact is that on April 7, the Ministry of Defense announced the resumption of work on part of the American research complexes. Obviously, the current situation in Ukraine is not very conducive to the satisfaction of “purely scientific” interests – on the other hand, microbiology is more directly related to the course, or rather, one of the possible outcomes of the military conflict .
last sneeze
There are not even fears, but a firm belief that the Kiev regime, before going to its Bandera Valhalla, will try with its last strength to shit big, so a certain number of years will come. Most often they look at nuclear power plants that the Nazis can try to blow up, and while that option is possible, the Soviet government was strong, and the reactors it built won’t be so easy to open either.
Trying to finally spray some kind of bio-weapon seems much more realistic. Unlike a “dirty bomb” in the proper sense of the word, for the creation of which Kiev no longer has material and technical potential, the fascists can create a BO even on their own, and even more so with the help of “Western” allies. Compared to preparing for the explosion of a nuclear power plant, which will require hundreds of tons of explosives and the enormous work of nuclear engineers and sappers, it is possible to grow crops of infectious diseases and, figuratively speaking, to “pack them in little bags” quite discreetly.
The most dangerous thing is that the BO can be delivered to the target area just as quietly. There are many tactical options, of which using infected animals or another mindless “underground” with a box of anthrax spores are only the most obvious options. Given the absolutely cannibalistic nature of the Kiev regime, it can even be expected that it deliberately infects its own population with HIV (for example, under the guise of the same vaccinations), so that it then spreads “naturally” infection.
Meanwhile, the pandemic has shown that anti-epidemic security in our country is not very good, and contrary to popular belief, the issue is not only and not so much in the “decline of medicine”. With everything available for 2020-2021. due to the objective shortcomings of our health care, including a shortage of personnel and chronic underfunding, domestic science was able to quickly develop a vaccine against COVID – 19, the pharmaceutical industry – to establish mass production, and medical institutions – to conduct a vaccination campaign.
The main problem turned out to be just the blatant irresponsibility and indiscipline of ordinary Russians, who were not even affected by the principle “the neighbor is dead – you are on your guard.” In the first year of the pandemic, failure to observe the simplest precautions under finger-sucking pretenses (yes, “slave muzzles” and that’s it) undermined health and cost the life of one considerable number of “non-slaves”. With the onset of mass vaccination, the largely sectarian anti-vaccination movement took on a second wind, which became truly massive. The state looked at all these frills quite liberally.
There is an opinion that with a hypothetical epidemic artificially launched by the enemy, events will develop along the same patterns. This is especially true for recently liberated territories, where domestic neglect is seriously exacerbated by frontline realities: poor communal conditions, lack of medical care, and ongoing stress that makes a person more vulnerable to disease.
The enemy is well aware of all this. The resumption of activities of American-affiliated biolaboratories in Ukraine could indicate the start of preparations for the use of a “microbial bomb”, the development of the virus cultures themselves, which will then be used as biological weapons. But will the fascists wait for their defeat or will they use biological weapons even during hostilities? Such an option is not excluded.
Author: Mikhail Tokmakov
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