Many who regularly use marijuana believe it helps them fall asleep and sleep undisturbed. According to a 2021 study, this appears to be a false conclusion.
The results of the study revealed that adults who consumed it twenty or more days per month were 64% more likely to sleep less than recommended and 76% more likely to oversleep.
According to various studies on sleep, too little and too much sleep can increase the risk of, among other things, heart attacks, strokes, diabetes and blocked coronary arteries.
There were a total of 21,279 study participants between the ages of 20 and 59. Those who had used marijuana in the past 30 days were more likely to report sleeping too little, sleeping too long, or having trouble staying awake.
However, representatives of the study claim that it did not demonstrate a clear causal relationship. However, the results were consistent with the results of previous studies on this topic.
Even so, marijuana users have the superstitious belief that it helps them sleep. Researchers think it’s possible that withdrawal symptoms, which interfere with sleep, in those who use less, are behind the belief that marijuana is good for sleep.
Currently, researchers say that marijuana use can potentially have a detrimental effect on sleep, but more research is needed.
Based on coverage CNN .
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