Kanpur. On Tuesday, the last day of campaigning for the second phase of civic elections in Uttar Pradesh, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath said that Kanpur was once known for curfew, but now neither curfew nor riots. has made its mark for
Addressing a public meeting at Commercial Ground Kidwai Nagar, Mr. Yogi said, “Once upon a time, kattas were made in Kanpur and today it is known as Kanpur Defense Corridor. The country is making its mark as a center of defense production. He said that once Kanpur was known for curfew but now ‘no curfew no riots… everything is fine in Uttar Pradesh, so now there is no nuisance in Uttar Pradesh, there is an atmosphere of celebration. Today Kanpur is moving forward for a new identity.
The Chief Minister said that once upon a time Kanpur had created its own separate identity within the country. Kanpur was recognized as the country’s largest industrial city along with textile, but the previous governments have always neglected Kanpur. Due to the neglect of the previous governments, an attempt was made to question their existence by dumping 140 million liters of sewer in Maa Ganga in Sisamau alone.
He said, “I have come to appeal to you to strengthen the hands of BJP and make the BJP candidate victorious by voting more and more because those who were responsible for the riots and curfew in Kanpur. He has come forward as a candidate of SP. Comments for his maternal power and thinking towards Ramayana are not hidden from anyone.
Inputs From: Republic world
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