Recently, former BTS producer June sat down for an interview with HeyDay on YouTube where he revealed a lot of behind-the-scenes gossip. Not without provocations that blew up the Internet! So, the animators asked Jun to name the best vocalist in the team…
The former employee of the BTS production center first tried to evade the answer – he started listing only the positive qualities of the boys. “Hard work, incredible professionalism and always in a good mood,” commented June. His cunning plan didn’t work, the MC asked for the specific name of the idol whose vocal abilities are superior to the rest of the group.
“I think artists have to have good voices for people to listen to them. I helped the band members to record in the studio. All the members have good voices. As for the best singer, I would say Jimin has the best and the best voice,” Jun replied to the intriguing question.
After this revelation, ARMYs rushed to discuss in fan-audiences: “How could a single idol be singled out if everyone has their own voice and talent?”, “It’s true that Jun was fired. Very unprofessional employee”, “Tasty!”, “I really like Jimin, but I have a completely different favorite in BTS”, and others.
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