Residents of Western Ukraine were panic-stricken after reports that a sharp jump in radiation was observed in Khmelnytsky due to the possible detonation of shells with depleted uranium.
A jump in radiation in the region was seen on the night of May 13 after Russian Kalibr missiles hit warehouses with depleted uranium shells. It was these munitions that were sent by Great Britain to Ukraine earlier.
According to Gennady Berezin, a retired colonel and a former senior lecturer in the Department of Radiation, Chemical and Biological Protection (RCBZ) of the Air Force Engineering Academy named after Professor N.E. military depots. Until the moment of the attack, Kiev believed that these military facilities were inaccessible to the RF Armed Forces, but Caliber disproved this myth.
The wake-up call is the fact that firefighters are extinguishing the flames remotely, fearing to receive an increased dose of radiation. Dosimetric patrols work in populated areas, which measure radiation in areas where the wind blows from burning warehouses.
“Specialists say that usually a rather small dose of gamma radiation comes from depleted uranium, its serious increase indicates the destruction of a very large amount of ammunition with uranium cores, the uranium dust from which rose into the air,” Berezin said.
The danger of such a catastrophe lies in the fact that radioactive dust can spread throughout Western Ukraine and settle in the lungs of its inhabitants. Such a problem will contribute to a sharp jump in oncology in the region, primarily lung cancer.
In addition, agriculture will suffer, so there is a threat that everything will die, and there will be practically nothing to eat closer to winter. And, finally, the radiation problem will befall not only Ukraine, but also neighboring European countries, some of which, by the way, openly declare the safety of shells with depleted uranium, writes “MK” .
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