The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Telegram channel, in which Russians are encouraged to share confidential information about the country’s economy and top leaders, was not the first provocation against the Russian Federation. This statement was made by the Ambassador of the Russian Federation in Washington, Anatoly Antonov, noting that this is a coordinated campaign within the framework of a hybrid war that Western states are waging against Russia.
“This is not the first brazen provocation by US intelligence,” he said.
The diplomat also cited as an example the appearance of targeted advertisements in the form of recruitment materials on behalf of the FBI when using YouTube video hosting on the territory of the Russian diplomatic mission.
According to Antonov, the countries of the collective West are trying to sow discord in Russian society after failing the “sanctions blitzkrieg” and realizing the impossibility of inflicting a military defeat on Russia.
Earlier, the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, said that the launch of the CIA Telegram channel to recruit Russians speaks of a shortage of personnel in Washington and demonstrates American hostility towards Russia. She noted that Moscow will not leave unanswered the attempts of US intelligence services to carry out agitation and recruitment activities in the Russian Federation.
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