WORMS / VG EICH / VG WONNEGAU – Nothing is as it was before: Instead of experiencing nature with the Nabu Worms-Wonnegau on its numerous excursions, every nature lover is now on his own. “Due to the corona pandemic, we have of course canceled all of our events in the coming weeks,” says Matthias Bosl from Nabu, “these will be postponed to next year.”
Strengthen the immune system with walks
The conservationists find that now more people are attracted to nature than usual. The Nabu, therefore, gives tips on how to experience nature without exposing yourself and others to the risk of infection. “We have countless beautiful trails in our region”, Bosl confirms. “Walks strengthen the immune system and raise the mood.” At the moment, however, they can only be done individually in accordance with the requirements of the authorities, with another person not living in the household or only with your own family.
In Worms, the Burgerweide, the Herrnsheimer Klauern forest path and the Pfrimm valley and the Eisbach valley are particularly popular. The former Neuhausen-Abenheim railway line is also scenic. There are other beautiful paths in Wonnegau, for example on the Kloppberg, in Ibersheimer Worth with its currently six pairs of storks, and the hollow paths in Mettenheim and Alzheimer’s. The Rheindurkheimer Rohrwiesen and the old Rhine adventure trail Eich with the Nabu observation huts and viewing platforms are no longer an insider tip. “I am pleasantly surprised at how disciplined the visitors behave and how they meet each other on the paths,” says Bosl, praising the view of protective measures. As a precaution, the Nabu has attached information slips to the observation huts so that the interior can only be entered individually.
Watch breeding events live from home
Nature in spring can also be discovered digitally – without leaving your home. “A tip is also the Peregrine Falcon Cam at the Worms Cathedral and the Storchen Cam in the Tiergarten, where the breeding events can be observed live on the Internet,” recommends Bosl, “and those who are particularly nature-friendly on their walks will be in the second week of April rewarded with the song of the nightingale returning from their winter quarters. “