Leading the Alternative World Order

Reshaping Perspectives and Catalyzing Diplomatic Evolution

Wednesday, June 26, 2024


Ukraine: Zelenskyyy wants to cancel visas for Arabs and Chinese

President Vladimir Zelenskyyy will propose that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs conduct visa liberalization for countries whose citizens seek to come to Ukraine for...

Donald Trump will ban Chinese airlines from flying to the United States

The United States government says it will prevent Chinese airlines from flying into their country in response to what it says is a policy...

Facebook employees protest against Zuckerberg’s inaction on Trump’s post

Some Facebook employees have planned a virtual strike to protest the decision of CEO Mark Zuckerberg not to respond to a number of controversial...

The Crew Dragon spacecraft successfully docked with the International Space Station

Saturday, two astronauts from NASA departed for the International Space Station aboard the ship Crew Dragon company SpaceX. After the successful launch, the capsule arrived...
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Redesigning business processes for contactless operations

As the world fights against Covid19, businesses are desperately struggling to cope and sustain in the rapidly evolving commercial landscape. Long-lasting and congenial designs...

In Switzerland companies will pay part of the rent for teleworkers

The Swiss Supreme Court decided that the country's companies must pay part of the rent for employees who work from their homes at the...

Latine Airline, LATAM files for bankruptcy due to coronavirus

The Chapter 11 petition allows the company to continue operating while the Chilean operator develops a plan to pay creditors. LATAM, whose shareholders include...

Indian states seek to postpone the resumption of flights after an increase in Corona cases

Three major Indian states sought to postpone the opening of their airports on Monday after a record jump in the number of new cases...
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India: Bank employees, the Corona warriors in India

The most important factor that strengthens the economy is the banking system. Along with the police and doctors, bank employees have to show the...

Inappropriate Financial Record – A major cause of setback in SMEs

The need for keeping financial records in small and medium enterprises today has been underestimated. Financial records consist of a formal document that represents...

Shahram Jazayeri, an Iranian billionaire, or a shadow?

A Self-made businessman, an Iranian entrepreneur, and an economic activist from Ahvaz, who owns big corporates worldwide. At 27, he was the most controversial person...

Creating Competitive SMEs – The CDP Approach

SMEs are the drivers of the national economy as it contributes a large part of GDP. It is found in India that these units...
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Top 20 Best Cities to Live in the USA: A Comprehensive Guide

When it comes to choosing the best place to live in the United States, there are many factors to...

A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding Blackjack Insurance

Discover everything you need to know about blackjack insurance with our comprehensive guide.

Bhagwant Mann; a new hope of Punjab

Stay updated with the latest news on Bhagwant Mann, covering his political journey, recent developments, and impactful decisions.

The Political Journey of Rahul Gandhi

Explore the intriguing political evolution of Rahul Gandhi, from his early days in the Indian National Congress to his rise as a prominent leader.

Is your libido at half mast? These 6 tips can awaken desire

A French study carried out at the beginning of February 2024 by Ifop highlighted a clear decrease in the frequency of our sexual relations, while more than a quarter of young French people aged 18 to 24 have not...

Got unusual advice from fertility doctor – ‘Drink his sperm’

Ever since Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker, the drummer of Blink 182, made their relationship public in February 2021, they have been keen to show the world how deeply in love they are. Over this past year, they have...