Leading the Alternative World Order

Reshaping Perspectives and Catalyzing Diplomatic Evolution

Sunday, June 16, 2024


Metz: A garden in tribute to figures from the LGBT

Many homophobic slogans of rare violence, some of which stuck on commemorative plaques. This is the discovery made by the members of the association "Couleur Gaies" this Wednesday...

For the first time, Dati ahead of Hidalgo in the first round in a poll, the Buzyn effect limited

Candidate LR reaches 25% of voting intentions in the first round according to the last Odoxa survey for "Le Figaro", published this Wednesday. The outgoing...

To defend Griveaux, Castaner evokes the “divorces and separations” of the boss of the PS

The uprising against the criticisms of Olivier Faure on the "lightness" of the ex-candidate LREM for the mayor of Paris, the Minister of the...

CGT slams the door of the financing conference on pension reform

The union denounces "an impossible compromise" with the government and announces the organization of a new conference of alternative financing. “The fundraising conference is dead. Catherine...
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Apple lowers results due to coronavirus

Faced with the epidemic, the group had given a range of forecast sales for its second quarter wider than usual, between 63 and 67...

Locusts attack South Sudan after Somalia, Kenya and Ethiopia

South Sudan, like many countries in East Africa, is facing an invasion of locusts. These foraging insects pose a threat to crops in a country...

Entangled in Sexual Abuse Scandals, American Scouts File for Bankruptcy

Documents published in 2012 had revealed how the organization of American scouts had covered for decades many sexual abuses committed by thousands of volunteer...

The English couple who kept a video diary of the “Diamond Princess” contaminated by coronavirus

David and Sally Abel quarantined onboard the cruise ship since February 3, have been diagnosed with coronavirus. They have been evacuated and need to...
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Two NGOs question Macron on the “humanitarian disaster” in Idlib, Syria

Doctors of the World France and the Union of Relief and Medical Care Organizations France have written to the French President to alert him...

Yemen: entry of 138,000 migrants and refugees in 2019

The trip from Africa to Yemen remains the most frequented maritime migration route in the world, according to the UN, which reported 138,000 migrants...

Washington steps up pressure on Baghdad

The United States, which takes a dim view of Iran's growing political influence in Iraq, will step up its sanctions on the Iraqi economy,...

Saudi coalition in Yemen kills 31 Civilians

At least 31 civilians were killed Saturday in air raids by the Saudi-led Arab coalition in Yemen, several sources reported yesterday. Al-Masirah TV station, close...
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Turkey considers leaving NATO for BRICS amid Putin’s Eurasian security plan

Turkey may abandon the "sinking ship" of NATO and join  BRICS after the implementation of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s plan...

Colombian president Gustavo Petro cancels Switzerland trip, criticizes Ukraine conference

Colombian President Gustavo Petro said on the social network X that he will not participate in the conference on  Ukraine...

Russian forces advance in Ukraine, claiming military gains and casualties

Russian military groupings of the "West" forces were able to occupy more advantageous positions in the special military operation...

US pledges $1.5 billion to Ukraine for energy, humanitarian aid

The White House said the United States will provide more than $1.5 billion for Ukraine's energy sector, humanitarian needs, and...

Is your libido at half mast? These 6 tips can awaken desire

A French study carried out at the beginning of February 2024 by Ifop highlighted a clear decrease in the frequency of our sexual relations, while more than a quarter of young French people aged 18 to 24 have not...

Got unusual advice from fertility doctor – ‘Drink his sperm’

Ever since Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker, the drummer of Blink 182, made their relationship public in February 2021, they have been keen to show the world how deeply in love they are. Over this past year, they have...