Leading the Alternative World Order

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Monday, June 17, 2024

News about Coronavirus

Iraq.. The death toll from the Al Hussein hospital fire has risen

On Monday, a fire broke out inside an isolation center for people infected with the Coronavirus at Al-Hussein Hospital in the city of Nasiriyah...

The first foreign trip since taking office.. The Sultan of Oman visits Saudi Arabia

The Sultan of Oman, Haitham bin Tariq Al Said, will visit Saudi Arabia on Sunday on his first official foreign trip since ascending to...

“Forcing employees to take the vaccine” .. “Iraqi Health” resolves the controversy

On Sunday, the Iraqi Ministry of Health confirmed that some groups will not receive the Corona vaccine, denying the news of “forcing” employees to...

Report: Raisi’s economic plan in Iran is unrealistic and difficult to achieve

A report by the Atlantic Council, a think tank in Washington, confirmed that the biggest challenge that the new Iranian president, Ebrahim Raisi, will...
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Comment from the Centers for Disease Control about the third dose of Pfizer

Hours after the American company Pfizer and its German partner Bionict announced their intention to request emergency permission to give the third dose of...

Corona deaths in the world exceed a “painful threshold”

The death toll from Covid-19 in the world exceeded four million, while the epidemiological path regained its activity as a result of the “delta”...

Lockdown: can it be avoided altogether?

Of course, the term ‘lock down’ now appeared to be known to all across countries because of the ongoing pandemic named Covid-19. In fact,...

Erdogan chairs a meeting of the Turkish government on Monday

The Turkish government will hold a meeting on Monday under the chairmanship of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in the capital, Ankara. The meeting, to be...
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Sputnik V claims it is the most effective vaccine against the Delta variant

The Gamaleya Institute of Russia, the creator of the Sputnik V vaccine against the coronavirus, assured that it is the most efficient...

The United Kingdom delays the return to normality due to increases in covid-19 cases

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson delayed his plan to lift coronavirus restrictions in England for at least another four weeks to try to avoid...

“Adverse results” .. a study talks about a dark side to the “mandatory” vaccine

In conjunction with efforts to provide vaccines to counter the outbreak of the Coronavirus, some countries are moving to make vaccination mandatory in one...

The “Delta” strain of the Corona virus… how dangerous it is and the ability of vaccines to prevent it

A new strain of the emerging coronavirus that appeared in India for the first time and caused an increase in new cases in Britain...
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Indian Army’s acquisition of suicide drone the Nagastra-1

The Indian Army has taken delivery of its first batch of indigenously developed "suicide drones," dubbed "Nagastra-1." These high-tech...

Delving Deep into “Scam 2003: The Telgi Story” Web Series – Cast, Plot, and More

In the realm of Indian web series centered on real-life financial scandals, "Scam 2003: The Telgi Story" emerges as...

Is your libido at half mast? These 6 tips can awaken desire

A French study carried out at the beginning of February 2024 by Ifop highlighted a clear decrease in the frequency of our sexual relations, while more than a quarter of young French people aged 18 to 24 have not...

Got unusual advice from fertility doctor – ‘Drink his sperm’

Ever since Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker, the drummer of Blink 182, made their relationship public in February 2021, they have been keen to show the world how deeply in love they are. Over this past year, they have...