In a groundbreaking move, the formidable lower house of Japan's parliament, on June 13, overwhelmingly passed a pivotal bill aimed at fostering widespread awareness...
In recent years, there has been growing concern about discrimination against Muslims in Germany. Muslims are the largest religious minority in the country, accounting...
An exhibition dedicated to representatives of the Ukrainian LGBT community who take part in the hostilities was inaugurated at the House of Ukraine in...
Azerbaijan intends to file a lawsuit against Armenia with the European Court of Justice for alleged violation of the International Convention on the Elimination...
The European Court of Justice considered that the ban on the wearing of the Islamic headscarf in the workplace is not discriminatory.
On the contrary,...
While Israel's genocide in Gaza continues, Mossad Director David Barnea is reported to have met with the Prime Minister of Qatar regarding a prisoner...
GazaUnited Nations (UN) International Order Rapporteur George Katrougalos stated that Israel's attacks on Syria were a continuation of its unlawful actions in the region,...