Damsels and Dragons – Millie Bobby Brown’s Netflix Adventure challenges fairy...
In Netflix's latest fantasy flick, "Damsel," Millie Bobby Brown takes on the role of Elodie, a princess facing unexpected perils in the pursuit of...
Rising Star Luke Eisner: Unveiling the ‘Tall Girl’ Actor’s Journey in...
Luke Eisner, the charismatic actor known for his roles in "Tall Girl" and "Tall Girl 2," has been making waves in the entertainment industry....
After the film Cleopatra .. “Afrocentric” raises an Egyptian-Dutch crisis
Details of the crisis, its chapters were originally published by Dutch newspapers, indicating that the Foreign Missions Department of the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism...
Will games be the title of the next conflict between digital...
And now, with the end of the Corona epidemic, these platforms have started to experience a decline and stagnation in the number of their...
The Cleopatra series and the Egyptian response.. An anti-film and calls...
This coincided with calls in Egypt for a boycott of the "Queen Cleopatra" series, which the "Netflix" platform has begun to broadcast, and which...
With the release of a new film, an Egyptian response to...
He described the hour-and-a-half-long YouTube documentary, directed by Curtis Ryan Woodside, as telling the story of "the real Cleopatra", after Netflix's choice to cast...
Find the perfect online entertainment for you
Whenever you are done at work or tired of schoolwork, or whatever else your everyday life is filled with, it is nice with a...
Anilla Tanjum looks for working in OTT contents
International OTT platforms are showing huge interest in buying Bangla content such as web series and web films from Bangladesh. Meanwhile, a number of...
Netflix’s film “The White Tiger” – The Tale For Class Parity
"The White Tiger" directed by Ramin Bahrani starring the perfect star ensemble of Priyanka Chopra Jonas, Rajkummar Rao, Adarsh Gourav, Mahesh Majrekar deliver a...
The superstars were shocked this year – Biggest scandals 2020
The year was truly a roller coaster ride for everyone, but for Ellen DeGeneres, Harry and Meghan, Britney Spears, Prince Andrew, and Kanye West,...
Just In
The economic impact of online casinos on small nations
The rise of online casinos has significantly impacted the economies of small nations, offering new revenue streams and generating job opportunities. These digital platforms...
Israeli Knesset rejects inquiry into October 7 attacks, fuels tensions
The proposal to establish a state investigation commission into the October 7, 2023 attacks in Israel and subsequent negligence was rejected in a vote...