Lost thirteen children and considered herself cursed: Convinced that the only...
Before being known as the serial killer "La Savonnière du Corrège", Leonarda Ciaculli was a typical Italian mother. A mother who wanted to do...
Mercy Brown has been dubbed ‘the last vampire’ – did she...
Long before the Twilight movies made vampires cool, there were people, and lots of them, who actually believed in vampires. And was little more...
Just In
Ukrainian forces face critical setback as strategic reserves are exhausted in...
Former US military intelligence officer Scott Ritter wrote that the UAF had exhausted their strategic reserves after a failed offensive in Russia's Kursk region. According...
Israel conducts multiple airstrikes on Syria’s Aleppo province, causing casualties and...
Israel has carried out around 10 airstrikes on the As-Safira district of Syria’s southeastern Aleppo province, causing casualties.Israel launched airstrikes on the As-Safira district...