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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

News about Taliban

The British parliament will meet urgently due to the coup in Afghanistan

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson will convene an emergency session in Parliament this week, currently on recess for the summer holidays, to discuss Afghanistan...

“The Taliban won,” admits the Afghan president after leaving the country

President Ashraf Ghani, who fled Afghanistan on Sunday , admitted that "the Taliban won" after insurgents entered the capital, Kabul, at the end...

Corruption extended for years and a “safe exit” in the battles… How did the Taliban return?

The 350,000 Afghan soldiers were not enough to stop the advance of Taliban fighters to the capital, Kabul, which they entered on Sunday, while...

Taliban Leader: Malala is a whore and her father a pimp

Today, after taking the control of Kabul, a senior Taliban leader declared that "Malala is a whore and her father is a pimp". This is...
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Kabul Falls: The Afghan president Ghani flee Afghanistan.. and his deputy confirms: I will not surrender

The head of the Afghan Reconciliation Commission, Abdullah Abdullah, announced on Sunday that "President Ashraf Ghani has left the country ," considering that he...

The war in Afghanistan… a huge human and material cost

Over the past 20 years, the American military mission in Afghanistan constituted the longest war for the United States in its history, against the...

Biden raises the number of troops heading to Afghanistan and warns the Taliban

On Saturday, US President Joe Biden raised the number of US forces sent to Afghanistan to participate in the evacuation of embassy staff and...

Fall of Kabul, the Taliban kill political leadership and religious minorities in Afghanistan

Kabul has fallen. The Taliban has taken the control of Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan, after 9 hours of an armed battle between Afghan...
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Washington tells Ghani to reduce its civilian presence in Afghanistan

On Thursday, the US State Department revealed talks held by the US Secretary of State and Defense with Afghan President Ashraf Ghani, in which...

Taliban seize capital of Afghanistan’s Helmand Province

An Afghan security source announced that the Taliban movement took control of Lashkar Gah, the capital of Helmand Province in southern Afghanistan, after allowing...

Biden: Infrastructure plan “will transform” and “I have no regrets about withdrawing from Afghanistan”

US President Joe Biden thanked senators from both parties for approving his ambitious plan to modernize infrastructure and create jobs for Americans, and commented...

The Pentagon: The situation in Afghanistan is not going in the right direction

On Monday, the Pentagon expressed the United States' concern about the situation in Afghanistan. "We have expressed concern that Pakistan is providing safe havens for...
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