President Erdogan, Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan Pakistan and Turkey High-Level Strategic Cooperation Council were followed by a press conference. Expressing that the Kashmir problem should be resolved through dialogue between Pakistan and India, Erdogan said in his speech, “Our state and our nation are in solidarity with the people of Kashmir, who have been in great pain today, as well as yesterday. Despite all the steps taken in the state, status receive, we are to turn in a serious sense. Turkey, Kashmir issue Pakistan and the basis and Kashmiri expectations of our brothers and sisters of all UN resolutions related through dialogue between India since the resolved considering, “he said.
“We have a target to increase our trade volume to $ 5 billion”
The trade volume between Turkey and Pakistan until 2023, indicating that $ 5 billion targeted removals of President Erdogan, found the statement as follows:
“We discussed all of our relations both in the joint working groups where our relevant ministers came together and in our council meeting we just completed. The signing of 13 agreements here is an expression of the importance of the meeting, especially in my last visit to Ankara, until 2023. We have a goal of increasing it to $ 5 billion. The strategic economic framework and the action plan texts we have just signed are almost a road map for deepening our economic relations. “
“We are ready to provide all kinds of support to Pakistan”
President Erdogan, Turkey’s Pakistan transport, energy, tourism, housekeeping, law enforcement services, as expressed in the education and health sectors are ready to give every kind of support, description, continued as follows:
“As Turkey, Pakistan’s economic and social development of the direct effect would be transport, energy, tourism, housekeeping, law enforcement services, education, and health sectors are ready to give every kind of support. Regarding maintain continuity in the favorable business environment in Pakistan, Prime Minister Imran Khan I know you would not spare their efforts. Turkey will take place today, tomorrow, always next to Pakistan as it was yesterday. “
“Elazığ, messages of support after the Malatya earthquakes are examples of heart bond”
Stating that the messages of condolence from the Pakistani authorities and citizens on the street after the earthquake of Erdogan, Elazig, Malatya, are examples of the bond of hearts between the two countries, “The condolences and messages of support offered at all levels from the President to the citizens of the street after the earthquake in Elazığ are the best examples of our Pakistani brothers. ” said.
Erdogan also thanked Prime Minister Imran Khan for the measures taken by the FETO terrorist organization in Pakistan, “We received strong support from the Pakistani state and its people in the military operation we carried out in northern Syria against terrorist organizations in October. Turkey’s Ministry of Education Foundation, an epitome of the solidarity between us to be transferred. On this occasion, Imran my brother for the measures taken to the reconstruction in Pakistan. I consider our relations in the military and defense industries that represent the most important titles in our existing bilateral relations with Pakistan I would also like to know that we are ready to do what is necessary to improve the relations between Pakistan and Afghanistan, both of our brothers. “
Pakistan Prime Minister Khan said in a statement, “8 million Kashmiri live in an open-air prison. Thank you to Mr. Erdogan for saying about Kashmir.”