Tel Aviv – Israeli health minister Jakov Litzman and his wife have tested positive for the coronavirus. The health ministry said Thursday the two would go into quarantine.
“Minister Litzman and his wife are feeling good and are being treated appropriately,” the statement said. The 71-year-old Litzman will continue to fill his office from isolation. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was informed.
Israeli television reported that, given Litzman’s diagnosis, Netanyahu may have to go back to quarantine. He had just finished self-isolation on Wednesday after one of his co-workers had contracted the coronavirus. However, Netanyahu’s tests were negative.
The Israeli newspaper “Haaretz” reported that the head of the Mossad international secret service, Jossi Cohen, and the national security adviser Meir Ben-Shabat had to be quarantined according to the regulations of the Ministry of Health after contact with Litzman. Other government officials may be affected.
According to the Ministry of Health, the pathogen Sars-CoV-2 has now been detected in 6211 people in Israel, 289 have recovered. According to the information, 30 people died after a coronavirus infection.