Vector Virology and Biotechnology Center of Russia has registered your EpiVacCorona vaccine against coronavirus, as reported by the Russian president, Vladimir Putin. “I would like to start with the pleasant information that the center Novosibirsk vector today registered the second Russian COVID vaccine against coronavirus: EpiVacCorona “, Russian President Vladimir Putin said at the beginning of a meeting with members of the government.
“To my knowledge, we have another COVID vaccine on the way from Chumakov Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences”, specific Putin.
In turn, the Russian Deputy Prime Minister Tatiana Golikova stated that the vector center coronavirus vaccine is safe and the first 60,000 doses will be produced shortly.
It is to be mentioned here that many countries in the world are against the Russian invention of COVID Vaccine and hence not accepting it in their countries.
Donald Trump and his allies are strongly opposing the Russian COVID vaccine. Trump announced that the Russian vaccine is not safe for human life.
This Wednesday, Russia exceeded 14,000 daily infections of Covid-19 after reaching the figure of 14,231, thus maintaining the upward trend that has been observed in the country since the end of August, without the authorities decided to impose severe restrictions for the time being.
In total since the beginning of the pandemic 1,340,409 cases have been detected in Russia, of which 23,205 have died after adding 239 deaths in the last 24 hours, reports EFE.
Although the number of infections continues to increase, the Russian authorities have chosen not to take drastic measures and reiterate calls to maintain physical detachment, continue to wear masks, and ensure personal hygiene. MoscowWhere schools have been closed, the chronically ill and those over 65 have been advised to stay at home, and telework is promoted, it continues to be the main infectious focus in the country. On the last day, the Russian capital has registered 4,573 new cases of Covid-19.