The police in Jutland, Island in Egtved, Denmark, has received a complaint from locals about the alleged rape by the Danish Foreign Minister Jeppe Kofod in 2008. Kofod has previously admitted to having had intercourse with the girl , who was then fifteen years old, but he was 34 years old at the time.
The incident took place in celebration after a symposium at the folk high school in Esbjerg on Easter 2008. Kofod gave a speech, but he had already become a member of parliament for the Social Democrats in Denmark. The girl was at that time in the party’s youth movement.
This is one of many issues that have now returned to the debate in Denmark after more women began to come forward and tell about their experiences, as happened in this country in the so-called MeToo wave.
Frank Jensen, the mayor of Copenhagen, said he was resigning today due to accusations against him.
Kofod has confessed to having had a conversation with the girl and discussed their acquaintance in an interview with TV2 about a month ago. He said that he had often regretted what had happened and that he had taken responsibility for those mistakes.
“I know it’s not enough to apologize. I wish I could have done it differently. The only thing I can do now is to regret it,” said Kofod, “it was the biggest mistake of his life “.
The age of consent in Denmark is fifteen years, but in a statement from the police, it confirms that each of the reports is a violation of Article 223 of the Danish Penal Code, which is often called the “teacher clause “, and stipulates that the age of consent is 18 years when the alleged victim of collusion with a person who is in a position of power or responsibility towards it.
Mette Frederiksen, the Prime Minister of Denmark and Kofod’s party colleague, says she takes the matter seriously. However, she still has confidence in him as a foreign minister.