On Monday, a British court refused to extradite “Julian Assange,” founder of “WikiLeaks” to the United States, on the grounds of being accused of espionage, in a case that lasted for months.
The Central Criminal Court, known as the “Old Bailey” court in London, attributed its judgment to “concerns about Assange’s mental health if he is extradited to Washington.”
The court’s decision today is subject to appeal within 14 days by the US administration demanding the extradition of the founder of WikiLeaks (49 years).
It is not known what will be the position of the administration of US President-elect Joe Biden, towards Assange, who was subjected to trial during President Donald Trump’s term, while the US judiciary stopped his prosecution under Barack Obama.
The American judiciary is pursuing Assange against the background of his accusation of espionage, and because of his publication since 2010 of more than 700 thousand secret documents related to US military and diplomatic activities, especially in Iraq and Afghanistan, and if convicted, he could be imprisoned for 175 years.
The United States accuses Assange of endangering US intelligence sources, but his lawyer denounces, on their part, what they called a “political operation based on lies.”