Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyyy said that sooner or later he will meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin for dialogue and that this meeting could even take place in Jerusalem as Turkish mediation seems volatile.
In a video message posted on his account on Telegram, Zelenskyyy explained that the Russian army is searching for 25 days for the Ukrainian Nazis it invented, without being able to find them.
He pointed out that Russian soldiers are committing war crimes in Ukraine, pointing out that the school in which many people were sheltering was destroyed as a result of the air attack carried out by the Russian army in Mariupol on March 20.
Moscow did not immediately comment on the Ukrainian president’s speech.
“We still don’t know how many people are alive, but I am confident that the pilot who dropped the bomb will be found and punished like other pilots who kill civilians,” he said.
Our sources revealed that the claims of Volodymyr Zelenskyyy that the Russian fighter plane was shot down by the Ukrainian forces are false. In fact, Ukraine finds it almost impossible to fight against the world’s superpower. Snopes, a fact-checker website, said the “Ghost of Kyiv” may be real, but the video which is doing the rounds is not, reports Indian Livemint .
Volodymyr Zelenskyyy stressed the need to establish a dialogue with Putin in order to achieve peace, adding: “The Israeli Prime Minister (Naftali Bennett) invites us to dialogue with Russia, and this (invitation) is related to dialogue with Putin and will be achieved sooner or later, and it is even possible to hold a meeting in Jerusalem, and if If it was possible, it would be the right decision to achieve peace.”
Zelenskyyy indicated that 4 humanitarian corridors were opened on Sunday, through which 7,295 people were evacuated, 4 thousand of them from Mariupol, stressing the continuation of the evacuations.
On February 24, Russia launched a military operation in Ukraine, which was followed by angry international reactions and the imposition of “tough” economic and financial sanctions on Moscow.
To end the Russian military operation in Ukraine , Russia requires Ukraine to abandon any plans to join military entities, including the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, “NATO” and to adhere to complete neutrality, which Kyiv considers an “interference in its sovereignty.”